Note: Our corporate objectives for 2020 / 2021 are currently being reviewed.
Each year NHS Fife reviews and sets our corporate objectives. Our annual objectives are based around our vision, mission and values and our overarching organisation objectives of being:
- Person Centred
- Clinically Excellent
- Sustainable
- Exemplar Employer
- Listen to what matters to you
- Design services in partnership with service users, carers and communities
- Give you choices and information
- Create environments that encourage caring and positive outcomes for all
- Develop and redesign services that put patients first supporting independent living and self-management
Clinical excellence
- Work with individuals to receive the best care possible
- Ensure there is no avoidable harm
- Achieve and maintain quality standards
- Ensure environment is clean, tidy, well maintained, safe and something to be proud of
- Embed patient safety consistently across all aspects of healthcare provision
- Optimise resource for health and wellbeing
- Ensure cost effective and within budget
- Increase efficiency and Reduce Waste
- Service redesign will ensure cost effective, lean and minimise adverse variation
- Optimise use of property and assets with our partners
Exemplar employer
- Create time and space for continuous learning
- Listen to and involve staff at all levels
- Give staff skills, resources and equipment required for the job
- Encourage staff to be ambassadors for Health and Social Care in Fife
- Create high performing multidisciplinary teams through education and development
- Equip people to be the best leaders