NHS Fife provides accessible communication in a variety of formats including for people who are speakers of community languages, who require Easy Read versions, who use BSL, read Braille or use Audio formats. NHS Fife SMS text service number 07805800005 is available for people who have a hearing or speech impairment. To find out more about accessible formats contact: fife.EqualityandHumanRights@nhs.scot or phone 01592 729130.
NHS Fife has a responsibility to provide you with interpreting support whilst using healthcare services.
We provide interpreting services for patients who:
- speak a community language
- are Deaf and use British Sign language
- are deafblind
Our contact details are
Patient Experience Team
Hayfield House
Hayfield Road
Telephone: 01592 729130 Ext: 29130
Email: fife.EqualityandHumanRights@nhs.scot
Contact Scotland BSL
Contact Scotland BSL is an interpreting video relay service. You can use this service by clicking this link: Featured Services - Contact Scotland BSL
Select from the options which service you need to call, i.e. NHS 111 or Police Scotland, or connect to an interpreter first.
NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Deaf Communication Service
Fife Health and Social Care Partnership, hosts a service called the Deaf Communication Service (DCS). Deaf Communication Service provides advice and support about specialist equipment for Deaf BSL users, hard of hearing and deafened people at home and in the workplace. They also offer other services. For more details visit the Deaf Communication Service.
You can also follow DCS on Facebook at facebook.com/FifeDCS and Twitter @FifeDCS.
Interpreter on Wheels Devices
Throughout NHS Fife, there are ‘Interpreter on Wheels’ devices with the interpreter App installed on them. The Interpreter App supports communication for patients and staff via video and audio on demand interpreters.
NHS Fife Text Service
NHS Fife Text Service is a non-emergency service for patients who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, unable to speak on the phone due to impairment or who require accessible communication support. This text service supports communication between patients and the hospital and clinics. This text service can also be used by NHS Fife staff to send information to patients. Text messages are checked regularly. To register to use this service send a text message to 0780 580 0005.
Information on how to contact the Emergency Services via text message here
NHS Fife BSL Phone
NHS Fife has a dedicated BSL phone that Deaf BSL-users can Facetime or text if they have enquiries regarding booking appointments, rearranging appointments, checking if a BSL interpreter has been arranged, etc. This phone is managed by the BSL/Eng Interpreter.
The BSL phone number is 07483173477. This phone number is a non-emergency line and will not be checked after 5pm or on weekends.
Translation Services
NHS Fife provides a translation service for services and functions of the organisation where the patient requires the written information in their own language. This is to help patients understand the messages about their care, self help, treatment and processes.
If you require information to be translated into another language, audio, braille or large print please contact the service or send an email to Fife.EqualityandHumanRights@nhs.scot.