NHS Fife and Fife GP Practices are Joint Data Controllers, which mean that we jointly determine the purpose and means of processing your data.

Patients should always contact their GP Practice in the first instance, with any data protection query or complaint that they have.  Practices will then receive support, information and guidance from the NHS Fife Information Governance and Security Team (Data Protection Office) where required. 

Where patients feel that their data protection query or complaint has not been resolved to a satisfactory conclusion with the GP Practice, they can come to the NHS Fife Data Protection Office who will act as an intermediary providing support and guidance to both parties in a bid to resolve.


Contact details:

Primary Care Data Protection Officer

NHS Fife

Digital and Information Department

The Annexe

Lynebank Hospital


KY11 4UW

Email- Fife.dataprotection@nhs.scot

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).