The Standards reflect current best practice guidance from Counter Fraud Services and NHSScotland. All NHS Fife employees must follow and abide by the Standards, which form part of the Board’s contract for the employment of all staff. 

To support the implementation of the Standards, comprehensive Supporting Guidance for staff has been produced, which describes the practical implications of the Standards and how staff should interpret its requirements in relation to any potential conflicts of interest or to the acceptance and registration of gifts and/or hospitality. Further advice and guidance on how the Standards apply can be sought from the Corporate Governance & Board Administration team at

The Standards of Business Conduct requires employees to disclose any gifts or hospitality received and to register any interests that might be relevant to their core duties or responsibilities. A copy of the most recent Central Register, compiled annually, is published below. 

Central Register of Staff Interests 2023-2024
Central Register of Staff Interests 2022-2023
Central Register of Staff Interests 2021-2022