Patricia (Pat) Kilpatrick joined NHS Fife as Chair of the Board in February 2024. She was previously the Vice Chair at NHS Tayside, having been a Non-Executive board member there since 2018. She has extensive experience in healthcare spanning a career of 40 years. Graduating with an MA Hons in Modern History and Political Science from the University of Dundee in 1979, Pat joined the NHS Scotland Graduate Training Scheme and has held Executive Director roles in planning and performance with a number of Boards including Tayside, Forth Valley, Argyll & Clyde and Greater Glasgow & Clyde, in addition to organisational development roles at a national level promoting and supporting policy changes across the service. She led the MBA Programme in Healthcare Management at the University of Stirling for a number of years, combining academic research with management development within the healthcare sector. In recent years her experience has been in advisory services within management consultancy, working extensively with the Department of Health in NHS England, NHS London and a number of NHS Trusts and Health Authorities across the UK and Northern Ireland. Much of her consultancy experience has been in planning, service improvement, re-configuration and financial turnaround.