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General Policy
Estates, Facilities and Capital Services
Security Manager
Security Manager
Director of Property & Asset Management
01 November 2017
01 August 2024
01 August 2027

General Note

NHS Fife acknowledges and agrees with the importance of regular and timely review of policy statements and aims to review policies within the timescales set out. New policies will be subject to a review date of no more than 1 year from the date of first issue.

Reviewed policies will have a review date set that is relevant to the content (advised by the author) but will be no longer than 3 years.

If a policy is past its review date, then the content will remain extant until such time as the policy review is complete and the new version published, or if national policy or legislative changes are made.


1.1 The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the safety and security of all staff, patients and visitors within NHS Fife is managed appropriately. This also includes the security of NHS Fife premises and property. This Policy also includes information regarding the role of the Security Department at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy (VHK).


2.1 This procedure applies to all NHS Fife premises and staff.


3.1 The Chief Executive is responsible for the overall control and co-ordination of Security within NHS Fife. The Security Department forms part of the Estates Department which is managed by the Head of Estates. The Security Manager is responsible for all aspects of Security across NHS Fife. The Security Supervisor oversees all day-to-day aspects of the service at VHK.

3.2 All staff within NHS Fife have a responsibility for security and to comply with security advice. Any breach of security must be reported to their Line Manager and in the case of VHK staff, to the Duty Security Officer.

3.3 Managers and Supervisors have an additional responsibility for their own departments.


4.1 Security staff are based at VHK to provide a high-quality comprehensive security service to assist patients, staff and visitors. The Department provides cover 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A limited number of community properties are visited out with normal working hours to check the physical security of the building. Security reviews are undertaken by the Security Manager across NHS Fife sites.

4.2 The Security Department can be contacted on the following extension numbers:-

Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy (VHK)

Duty Officer 28888

Security Team Leader 26998

The Security Manager for NHS Fife is based at VHK and can be contacted on ext 24167 for advice and support at any NHS Fife site.

Additional information can be found within the NHS Fife Security Strategy.

4.3 Violence & Aggression and Incident Reporting

4.3.1 NHS Fife operates a strict approach towards violence and aggression against staff. Additional information can be found in the Violence and Aggression at Work Policy GP/V4 and all incidents of violence, whether physical or verbal, should be reported immediately. In cases where the individual feels under threat of violence or fears for their safety the Police should be called immediately by use of the 999 system. At VHK, once the police have been contacted, the security dept can be contacted to assist with the incident until the arrival of the police. A member of the clinical care team must stay with the patient at all times. At no point are security staff to be left alone with a patient.

4.4 Identification and Access Control

4.4.1 All NHS Fife staff are required to always wear their identification badges. All staff members have a responsibility to always ensure the security of their identification badge and to report any lost or stolen cards. Additional information is available in the ID card procedure.

4.5 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

4.5.1 Closed circuit television systems are installed at various locations across NHS Fife for the purposes of Crime Prevention, Detection & Public Safety. 

These recordings are maintained in accordance with GDPR and the Data Protection Act, and only available for viewing in accordance with strict guidelines as published by the Information Commissioner and the NHS Fife Data Protection Impact Assessment. Generally, the recordings are not available to be reviewed by staff. On request recordings will be provided against receipt to the police involved in the investigation of criminal activity. Additional Information can be found within the NHS Fife CCTV Guidance Document.

4.5.2 Please contact the Security Manager on ext 24167 or Security Team Leader on 26998 should further advice be required.

4.6 Car Parking

4.6.1 All staff, patients and visitors are to ensure they follow the signage, speed limits and road markings and park responsibly. For further information see Car Parking Policy GP/C8.

4.7 Major Incidents

4.7.1 Security staff undertake an important role should a major incident/emergency be declared. A full explanation of their role and everyone else involved in such occurrences can be found within the Major Emergency Procedures manual which is available on the Stafflink.

4.8 Fire Alarms

4.8.1 Security Staff form part of the Acute Services Emergency Response Team and as such attend at all Fire Alarm activations at VHK. Within the Community sites, local arrangements should be followed.

4.8.2 Further information regarding fire safety and instructions for action at a fire alarm can be found in Fire Safety Policy GP/F2 or from the Senior Fire Adviser.

4.9 Premises

4.9.1 All NHS Fife premises should have a procedure in place to ensure that at the end of the working day each building/department is fully checked and secured. Intruder alarms should be set correctly prior to leaving. Departments that repeatedly leave premises insecure will have the details of the incidents recorded and passed to department managers for their attention.


5.1 Security is essentially about risk assessment and risk management. The Security Manager can assist Services with their risk assessments so that when appropriate they can be recorded on DATIX for any necessary action. Datix entries should then be investigated as per policy with learning identified and shared appropriately.

5.2 Where there is a risk to the organisation, the risk register should be used appropriately.

5.3 Risk assessments should be carried out and documented where appropriate in accordance with guidance contained in the NHS Fife Risk Management Framework.

The Security Manager can be contacted for advice if required.


  • Violence & Aggression Policy GP/V4
  • Fire Safety Policy GP/F2
  • Car Parking Policy GP/C8
  • Risk Management Framework
  • Major Incident Policy
  • NHS Fife CCTV Guidance Procedure
  • ID Card Procedure
  • Safety Procedures – Incidents of Violence & Aggression
  • NHS Fife Security Strategy
  • PREVENT/CONTEST Training Documentation
  • Lone Worker Training
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment


  • Data Protection Act 2018
  • General Data Protection Regulations 2018
  • Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003
  • Information Commissioner’s Guidelines for CCTV
  • Security Services Standards for NHS Scotland Security Leads (HFS)