1.1. This procedure is written to give guidance and instruction to staff who drive NHS Fife vehicles and staff who supervise/manage those driving staff. The procedure covers most circumstances a driver may encounter but, should any queries arise, the Transport Department should be contacted immediately.
1.2. This procedure is based on legislative, Health & Safety and good practice responsibilities.
1.3. You are responsible for ensuring that the vehicle you are using is roadworthy prior to using it, for practicing safe driving, for giving due consideration to other road users and for reporting any incidents.
1.4. Departmental managers of vehicles are required to ensure that legal requirements are adhered to, log sheets, defect reports, fuel receipts are submitted timeously and that driver rest/break periods are observed. Workloads should be scheduled to ensure that speed limits do not have to be broken to accomplish duties and vehicles are not overloaded.
2.1. All users of NHS Fife vehicles.
3.1. This procedure applies to all who drive NHS Fife vehicles.
Gerald Ferrie Fleet Manager 01592 647166
Evelyn Millar Fleet Administrator 01592 647167
Department Address:
Service Yard, Victoria Hospital, Hayfield Road, Kirkcaldy, KY2 5AH
5.1. Before a member of staff is permitted to drive an NHS Fife Vehicle, the driver is required to complete an Insurance Declaration (see Appendix 1). The completed form should be returned to the Transport Department.
5.2. Certificates of Insurance for NHS Fife Vehicles are held at the Transport Department and will be issued to drivers who are required to produce them to Police Officers.
5.3. The NHS Fife insurance covers vehicles whilst on authorised business only. Vehicles may not be used for social, domestic or personal business under any circumstances.
5.4. Only authorised passengers may be carried in NHS Fife vehicles.
5.5. Staff are required to inform their supervisor/manager and Transport Department of any change in circumstances that affect their ability to drive so that the vehicle insurer can be notified.
6.1. All NHS Fife operated vehicles require to be licensed with DVLA and be Road Taxed annually thereafter. Road Fund Licence discs are no longer displayed on the front windscreen.
6.2. Certain NHS Fife vehicles also require to be licensed under Operator Licensing Regulations. These vehicles (mainly larger goods carrying vehicles) display a blue disc. The Fleet Manager must be notified immediately should this disc be lost.
7.1. All persons intending to drive NHS Fife vehicles must hold a current Driver’s Licence covering the appropriate class of vehicle.
7.2. Licences must be checked by the Transport Department before authority is given for a vehicle to be driven.
7.3. The Driver’s Licences of all staff authorised to drive NHS Fife vehicles must be checked at least annually and photocopies made for retention in the appropriate file in the Transport Department. With the removal of the paper part of Driving Licences, these checks are undertaken electronically.
7.4. Driving and parking offences must be reported to the Transport Department immediately. All penalties incurred from driving or parking offences are the responsibility of the driver.
7.5. Depending on the nature of any penalty imposed, disciplinary action, in accordance with the NHS Fife’s Management of Employee Conduct Policy may be considered.
8.1. Maintaining the security and confidentiality of personal identifiable information is of paramount importance. All staff must exercise care when transporting equipment, items and information. No equipment/items/information should be left unattended in any vehicle, however it is accepted that there are times when this is unavoidable e.g. during deliveries to community practices. Appropriate security measures must be applied:
a) Health records or other confidential information for transportation between hospital sites/departments must be enclosed in sealed bags/envelopes and labelled appropriately by the sender, i.e. ‘Confidential’
b) Transported out of sight e.g. in the boot
c) Vehicle locked when left unattended
8.2. The responsibility for ensuring the safe transportation of any information/equipment remains with the driver of the vehicle. All types of incidents must be immediately reported to:
a) Appropriate Line Manager
b) Information Governance (if person identifiable information)
d) Health & Safety (using the Board’s Datix Reporting System)
9.1. It is the driver’s responsibility to maintain the vehicle in a clean and tidy condition, both inside and outside of the vehicle.
9.2. Board vehicles must be driven with due consideration to all other road users, pedestrians and any passengers being carried in the vehicle.
9.3. As a driver, you are responsible for ensuring that any incidents occurring are immediately reported to your supervisor/manager
10.1. Vehicle record sheets are located in each vehicle and should be completed whenever a NHS Fife vehicle is driven. Further supplies of record sheets can be obtained from your supervisor/manager or from the Transport Department.
10.2. Completed sheets are to be forwarded to the Transport Department for retention at the end of each week or month as agreed.
11.1. Vehicle checks require to be carried out before commencing the first journey of the day. A checklist of the items to be checked is detailed on the reverse of the Vehicle Record Sheet (see Appendix 2).
11.2. Any defect noted at the time, or which comes to light subsequently, should be recorded on the Defect Report Form (see Appendix 3).
11.3. Defects should be immediately brought to the attention of the supervisor/manager and Transport Department for remedial action to be arranged.
12.1. Requests for maintenance should be directed to the supervisor/manager and Transport Department who will liaise with the Leasing Company and Maintenance Contractor.
12.2. Depending upon terms of lease contract, a replacement vehicle may be made available for the period of the maintenance.
131. Requests for unscheduled vehicle maintenance should be directed to the supervisor/manager and Transport Department so that an official order can be raised and arrangements made with vehicle Maintenance Contractors to have repairs carried out.
13.2. Scheduled maintenance requirements i.e. servicing, MOT’s will be arranged by liaison between Transport Department, Maintenance Contractor and vehicle user.
13.3. Depending on local arrangements, vehicles should either be taken directly to the Maintenance Contractors premises or left at the Transport Department.
14.1. Depending on local departmental arrangements, Fuel Cards shall be held by the supervisor/manager and shall be issued on request to staff requiring to refuel vehicles.
14.2. Fuel stations displaying the “All Star” sign can be used. Supermarkets are currently the cheapest suppliers so should be used primarily.
14.3. After refuelling, the driver should present the Fuel Card, together with details of vehicle mileage, at the service station pay point.
14.4. On returning to base the driver should return the Fuel Card and receipt to their supervisor/manager.
14.5. Receipts should be forwarded to the Transport Department, on a weekly basis.
14.6. Fleet management staff shall reconcile the invoices received from Allstar. After authorisation, the invoice shall be passed to the NHS Fife Finance Department.
14.7. If the Fuel Card is lost or stolen, please inform the supervisor/manager and Transport Department immediately in order to have the card cancelled. The Police must also be notified.
15.1. In the event of a Road Traffic Accident, drivers should not comment on any liability at the scene.
15.2. All Road Traffic Accidents should immediately be reported by the driver of the vehicle involved to their appropriate supervisor/manager or direct to the Transport Department in instances where there is no supervisor. The accident also requires to be reported by the driver direct to the Insurance Company, details of which can be obtained from the Transport Department.
15.3. Full details of the incident, together with third party details should be noted at the scene and the names and addresses of witnesses obtained, if available.
15.4. The name, work address and telephone number of the Transport Manager should be passed to third parties to enable them to obtain details of the NHS Fife’s Insurers.
15.5. Where the driver is unable to report the accident due to injuries sustained, the responsible supervisor/manager will carry out this function.
15.6. Any correspondence received from any source concerning a road traffic accident should be forwarded to the Transport Department unanswered, for onward transmission to NHS Fife’s Insurers.
16.1. If a vehicle or contents are stolen, or an attempt has been made to steal them, the Police should be notified immediately. The supervisor/manager/Transport Department should also be notified.
16.2. The theft also requires to be reported by the driver direct to the Insurance Company, details of which can be obtained from Transport Department.
17.1. If a vehicle breaks down out with its base, then during office hours, the supervisor/manager and Transport Office should be contacted.
17.2. Out with office hours, for leased vehicles, the appropriate vehicle lease company should be contacted. Contact details are provided in each vehicle. The Transport Department should be informed the next working day.
17.3. Out with office hours, for NHS Fife owned vehicles, the FTA Recovery Service should be contacted. Cards providing details of our customer number and recovery service contact telephone number are in each vehicle. The Transport Department should be informed the next working day.
17.4. When reporting breakdowns, drivers should provide basic details of make, model, registration and location of the vehicle and any other relevant information. If possible a contact telephone number should be given so that the driver can be kept advised of progress. If possible drivers should stay with their vehicle pending the arrival of the recovery personnel.
18.1. Seat Belts, where fitted, should be used by minibus passengers when travelling out with hospital sites.
18.2. Vehicles fitted with wheelchair tracking have been supplied with clamps which should be used to secure wheelchairs to the floor. Wheelchair patients should be secured using the seat belts that fit into the wheelchair tracking.
18.3. All passengers should remain seated whilst the vehicle is in motion.
18.4. Only authorised passengers may be carried in NHS Fife passenger carrying vehicles.
18.5. Medical gases cylinders should be secured in the designated area of the vehicle.
19.1. Drivers of NHS Fife vehicles should adhere to speed limits in force. Within NHS Fife grounds, a 10-mph speed limit has been set. The speed limit is usually indicated at the entrance to the sites.
19.2. Traffic calming measures are present on a number of roads within NHS Fife grounds to assist with speed control.
19.3. Out with the NHS Fife grounds, the speed limits in force for the particular class of vehicle being driven should be observed.
19.4. Drivers are responsible for any penalties imposed arising from speeding offences.
19.5. Disciplinary action may be considered depending upon the penalties imposed. Any such action will be in accordance with the NHS Fife’s Management of Employee Conduct Policy.
20.1 Where reversing cannot be avoided, extreme care should be taken to prevent accidents to persons, premises or vehicles.
20.2. A number of NHS Fife vehicles have been fitted with devices to assist in the reversing process. Some large commercial vehicles are fitted with a rear view camera and dashboard monitor to enable drivers to view directly behind the vehicle and complement the visibility given by the mirrors.
20.3. In situations where there is more than one person in the vehicle, the driver should be assisted in reversing by having the second person guide him/her and ensure the area is clear.
21.1. Seat belts must be fitted and worn in cars and vans. It is the individual responsibility of the vehicle driver and any adult passenger to wear the seat belt provided for the seat in which they are sitting (i.e. front or rear).
21.2. There are certain medical exemptions from the requirement to wear seat belts but trying to claim exemption is complex and requires medical practitioner intervention. If medical exemption is applied, the vehicle insurer requires to be informed. Staff are required to inform the Transport Department of any change in circumstances that affect their ability to drive.
21.3. Any penalties resulting from a failure to wear a seat belt are the responsibility of the individual concerned.
21.4. Disciplinary action may be considered depending upon the penalties imposed. Any such action will be in accordance with the NHS Fife’s Management of Employee Conduct Policy.
22.1. Staff should ensure that vehicles are properly parked when not being used.
22.2. The vehicle should not be left in a place or position that will cause an obstruction or danger to pedestrians or other vehicle users. Parking restrictions in operation on roads out with NHS Fife properties should also be observed.
22.3. When left unattended, vehicles should be properly locked and secured. Keys must not be left in an unattended vehicle but should be retained by the driver.
22.4. Parking offences must be reported to the Transport Department. All penalties incurred are the responsibility of the driver.
22.5. Depending upon the nature of any penalty imposed, disciplinary action, in accordance with the NHS Fife’s Management of Employee Conduct Policy, may be considered.
23.1. Smoking is NOT permitted in any NHS Fife vehicle.
24.1. From 1 December 2003 staff undertaking business travel on behalf of NHS Fife may operate a mobile phone when driving only when it is sited in a cradle or similar device.
24.2. Where no cradle or similar device is fitted, no calls should be made or received during a journey. The phone should be diverted to "voicemail" to record incoming calls. These can be retrieved at the end of the journey when the vehicle is stopped, the engine turned off and keys have been removed from the ignition.
24.3. No text messages should be created or read whilst driving.
24.4. The only instance when calls may be made is for 999 emergencies where it is unsafe or impractical to stop.
25.1. A number of NHS Fife vehicles are fitted with telematics technology. The systems are designed to monitor the way in which a vehicle is being driven for the benefit of the driver, and NHS Fife, and then advise the driver of high risk incidents, producing genuine and sustainable efficiencies and benefits. Ultimately, this will reduce risk and improve road safety.
25.2. The system is capable of recording ‘celeration’ (magnitudes and directions of accelerations and decelerations) in the event of an accident. Additionally, it will also show the profile characteristics of the driver prior to an accident, indicating consistent or erratic driving. Relevant managers and staff driving these vehicles are informed of its presence and how the system will be used.