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Annual Climate Emergency and Sustainability Report 2023-2024
Annual Climate Emergency and Sustainability Report 2022 - 2023 (PDF)
Read the Annual report and consolidated accounts - year ended 31 March 2022
The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 originally set out measures adopted by the Scottish Government to reduce emissions in Scotland by at least 80% by 2050. The Climate Change (Emissions Reductions Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 amended this longer-term target to net-zero by 2045, five years in advance of the rest of the UK. In 2020 ‘The Climate Change (Scotland) Amendment order came into force to reflect this and now requires NHS Boards to report on their progress in delivering their emissions reduction targets.
All designated Major Players (of which [insert name of NHS Board] is one) are required to submit an annual report to the Sustainable Scotland Network detailing compliance with the climate change duties imposed by the Act and the Amendment order. The information returned by the Board is compiled into a national analysis report, published annually and superseding the prior requirement for public bodies to publish individual sustainability reports.
Further information on the Scottish Government’s approach can be found in the Climate Change Plan 2018-2032 while national reports can be found at the following resource:
NHS Fife, in line with the revised policy for NHS Scotland on the Climate Emergency and Sustainable Development DL (2021) 38, has a clear commitment to operating and developing sustainable practices. NHS Fife has an ambition to become an anchor institution in sustainable healthcare and to actively support sustainable care via local recovery and health and wellbeing promotion.
The local Sustainability Forum is overseen by the Portfolio Board, the Executive Lead and the Board Champion, and the NHS Fife Board through the Public Health and Wellbeing Committee. The Sustainability and Energy Fora meet at quarterly intervals assisting the Board’s work in delivering its sustainability targets and promoting preparation for climate change. The Sustainability Forum also has links with the Health and Wellbeing Group to coordinate efforts with other parts of the Board. The National Sustainability Assessment Tool is utilised as a benchmark to measure progress in other sustainability areas. A dedicated Waste Officer also oversees the work of reducing emissions and increasing recycling.
The energy group monitors progress towards meeting revised energy reduction, carbon reduction and other relevant targets and is composed of sector Estates Managers and PPP partners.
Work on improving sustainability across these areas is central to the Board’s performance monitoring framework and is assessed continuously, being reported on annually via Scottish government reporting and policies via SSN.
As in previous years energy-saving measures such as boiler decentralisation and combined heat and power (CHP) installations together with replacement of lighting with more energy efficient LED lamps and the installation of photovoltaic cells are being pursued wherever practicable. PPP sites are utilising ground source heat pumps and Biomass boilers to reduce overall reliance on fossil fuels. The Board is adding more intelligent lighting controls and replacing historic outdated lighting and currently planning to use further Scottish Government funding to improve measures across the estate. A recent review identified a range of potential energy saving revenue and capital projects and an Energy Performance Contract has now been executed to deliver a range of these energy savings measures for the Board.
NHS Fife has increased the use of electric fleet vehicles and charging points. Over 60 cycle storage places have also been installed, actively increasing opportunities for wider ranging carbon savings, as well as many other measures.
Continued partnership working with Fife Council through active participation in the Addressing Climate Emergency Board, The Fife Environmental Partnership, and with other Boards through the East Region Climate Emergency and 14 Sustainability Group will result in benefits to the local population of Fife. The Board participates in numerous sustainability campaigns throughout the year such as Bike Week, Lift share Week, Cycle to Work and promotes these via intranet news items, web sites and staff newsletters