Micro Grant Fund
In addition to our Small Grants programme, we also run our Micro Grants programme. Awards given under this programme have a value of up to £1,000 but in reality, most awards are much smaller. The impact of such awards can often be overlooked as the grant amounts involved are much smaller and the projects often less visible. We’d like to celebrate some of these here, both to illustrate the kind of projects that might be covered by a micro grant, and to illustrate how receiving unrestricted donations, whatever the size, can help the charity to benefit many different areas across the community in Fife.
The micro grants case studies here also help to illustrate just how funding can be used across different areas of the community to benefit a number of groups and causes.
In these studies, the beneficiaries can be broken down into six key areas. These will differ each quarter depending on the applications we receive and the projects which are eventually selected for an award.

Micro Grants illustration of areas where funds were spent
Adult bereavement group award
The adult bereavement group has proven to be very useful. The current group of 6 are ready to welcome new members to the group.
We simply asked the group - 'What do you think has helped?'
“Knowledge that everyone has similar feelings“
"Knowing that I am not alone“
"Listening to others' stories helps me“
"I have made friends”
Having space to say how I really feel
Award amount: £52
Fund: Micro Grant
Service: Fife Palliative Care
Stratheden Hospital summer party for residents and their families.
Staff catered for 14 patients within Elmview, 10 Patients from Muirview ward and 3 patients from Cairnie House with the main objective of bringing patients suffering from a sever cognitive decline and their families together. The idea was to have the opportunity to enjoy a period of relaxation and fun as a service and for this reason, invites were extended to the other older adult ward as a way of bringing the services closer a to each other. This worked brilliantly and the party was very well received by all.
Service: Older Adult Ward in Stratheden Hospital
The patients were happy and smiling which make it worthwhile.
Award amount: £300
Fund: Micro Grant
Purchase of a smart TV provides privacy for parents-to-be to view scans
Having the smart TV connected to the 3 antenatal ultrasound scan rooms at the VHK, allows the Fetal Medicine team members to view "live" scanning being performed from the office not just in the scanning room.
Not having to enter each scan room, unless clinically required means that parents-to-be have a more private patient experience in which to catch their first glimpses of their baby and have a more comfortable experience during the antenatal ultrasound assessments.
Award: £173
Fund: Micro Grant
Service: Gynaecology/Fetal Medicine Team
This technology also allows us to view scans to assist with staff teaching and training, again without intruding on the family's own experience of their antenatal scans.