How would volunteering benefit you?
- make a difference
- get involved in your community
- learn new skills

Volunteering gives me a purpose and knowing I am helping others helps me too.
I have been volunteering now for over a year and love every minute of it. It has done so much for my confidence. Wish I had joined up years ago
Its a privilege to help out.
NHS Fife volunteer services;
proud to celebrate Volunteers week, 1-7 June 2023
Thank you to our volunteers from our Chief Executive
Volunteers' Week is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering in their communities.
NHS Fife celebrated our volunteers across the week; with a volunteer event and information stand.
Listen to what our Chief Executive, had to say on Youtube during Volunteers Week 23.
A thank you from Carol Potter, Chief Executive, NHS Fife
Our Head of Patient Experience on volunteering
NHS Fife recognises the invaluable work of our volunteers. The huge commitment and dedication to our NHS, patients, and the public alike are experienced every day by the work that our volunteers do in their various roles across all our sites and in each service.
Siobhan McIlroy
Head of Patient Experience

Celebrating with our volunteers
The Volunteer Service was delighted to host a festive afternoon tea for our volunteers. This was the first time we had the opportunity to bring the volunteering team together in such a way since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remembering Helen Hagan
In November 2022 a memorial presentation of artwork took place in tribute to Helen Hagan. Helen volunteered as a play volunteer in the Children’s Unit at the Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, for over 30 years, with her volunteering beginning back in 1988. Helen wished to create a warm and welcoming environment for children and young people coming in to the hospital for an outpatient appointment. She helped both the children and their families feel more relaxed when they arrived at the hospital. Helen provided vital support to the play staff by providing and supervising play opportunities within the play rooms.
The presentation was made to Helen’s daughter, Mary Sparling, by NHS Fife Chief Executive Carol Potter and NHS Fife Chair Tricia Marwick.
The painting was donated by the artist, John Gifford. The scene is of Dysart Harbor which was of personal significance to Helen. Helen retrained as a nursery nurse and her first job was at the school in Dysart. She often took the children to the harbor as part of their outdoor education, and in later years Helen would enjoy visiting the Harbourmasters House and reminiscing.

(left to right Tricia Marwick, NHS Fife Chair, John Gifford, Artist, Mary Sparling, Helen's daughter, Carol Potter, NHS Fife Chief Executive)
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Use the boxes below to find out more about volunteering with NHS Fife - how to apply, roles available, minimum commitment and other opportunities you may not have considered.