Information in accessible formats
Maternity services are available throughout Fife, with inpatient services at our Maternity unit in the Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy. We also offer specialised outpatient services both here and at Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline.
On discovering that you are pregnant
On discovering that you are pregnant, you don't need to involve your GP. Take a look at our You're pregnant, what happens now page.
Your baby, your choice
You have choices over the care that you receive in pregnancy and birth of your baby and we will aim to fully support your choices. We have two delivery units at Victoria Hospital, the consultant-led (CLU) and the midwife-led (MLU) or you may wish to have your baby at home, with the support from our Homebirth team.
Unicef UK accreditated service
NHS Fife Maternity Services has been accredited as a Unicef UK Baby Friendly Initiative Gold service in recognition of the quality care that our families receive. The award recognises how the service promotes, supports and protects breastfeeding as well as parent-baby relationship building.
Neonatal services in Fife are also Unicef UK Baby Friendly Initiative accredited in recognition of supporting close and loving relationships, maximising the use of breast milk and including parents as partners in care.