Main updates 

Re-form, Transform, Perform (RTP) 

Relocation of headquarters and executive team 

As part of our ongoing work to ensure that we are maximising the efficiency and value of our estate, we have relocated our corporate headquarters to Queen Margaret Hospital. 

The relocation follows the phased closure of the admin buildings at Hayfield, Cameron, and Haig houses, and sees several corporate services, as well as our executive director team, make the move.  

The change is part of a wider piece of work being undertaken to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the NHS Fife estate.  

MRM Medical Group to take over running of Park Road Medical Practice 

MRM Medical Group will take over the running of Park Road Medical Practice on 1 August 2024. NHS Fife and the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership have been responsible for managing the Rosyth practice since the previous GP partners terminated their contracts to provide general medical services. 

Late last year a tender process was initiated, and bids were received. Following a thorough evaluation of each submission, a preferred bidder was identified. 

MRM Medical Group is a partnership of three GPs, all having extensive experience in delivery of general medical care in practices across Scotland. In addition to running the practice, all three GPs will work clinically at Park Road alongside the existing team to deliver hands-on patient care. 

NHS Fife and the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership are contacting patients directly to update them, whilst an online hub has been created to provide information and updates. 

Complaints procedure 

We appreciate the feedback received at our recent meeting around complaints management for elected members. While we're making significant strides in handling complaints overall, we recognise the need for improvement in this specific area. 

On general complaint management, a series of actions have been undertaken including changes to complaint pathways, increased escalation and oversight, and additional staff, have resulted in a reduction of over 60% in the number of open Stage 2 complaints on this time last year. Stage 2 complaints are those which are escalated for thorough investigation.  
We are committed to continuous improvement and are actively exploring further ways to ensure timely resolution of complaints from elected members. We will continue to provide updates on our progress. Members are asked to continue to contact the chief executive’s office regarding any constituent complaints, via the email account:, clearly marking the email as a ‘concern’ or ‘complaint’. 


We are actively working with dental corporations to ensure clear and accurate communication during practice closures.  
This is especially important following the recent closure of Nanodent. Initially, patients were informed they would transfer to Banbeath due to a dentist relocation. Unfortunately, the dentist resigned, leaving approximately 10,000 people as de-registered as NHS patients. 

The Public Dental Service (PDS) facilitates access to urgent dental care and a dedicated phone line. PDS have implemented a separate system to handle the surge in calls from Nanodent patients, and the demand remains high. 
Unfortunately, no dental practices in Fife are currently accepting new NHS patients. This creates a significant challenge for many, including those formerly with Nanodent. 

We recognise the complex issue of dental access across Fife and indeed Scotland as a whole. While the PDS provides urgent care, it cannot register new patients or place salaried dentists in private practices like GPs can. We are actively seeking solutions to address this multi-faceted challenge and are working with Scottish Government colleagues. 


We understand the importance of timely access to mental health services for children and young people. 

Our Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) team is working hard to address the significant rise in referrals we've seen over the past year, with a 10% increase in young people seeking support. Despite this significant increase, there continues to be notable improvements to waiting times and no patient is currently waiting more than 35 weeks for their appointment. 

We remain committed to improving access to CAMHS services and are actively pursuing several initiatives including: 

Earlier intervention: we are working to identify and support young people earlier, preventing issues from escalating.  

Expanded online support: expanding online resources and tools to provide readily accessible support.  

Urgent response team: a dedicated team to address urgent needs and ensure timely intervention. 

Patient transport 

Following the concern raised at our latest MP/MSP meeting in relation to patient transport options, we have now given greater prominence to information about the choices available to those travelling to appointments out with the NHS Fife area.  
The page, which signposts to information from several organisations, can be viewed here

St Andrews Community Hospital reception 

The main reception area at St Andrews Community Hospital has moved to the outpatient department at the same site. 
New signage is being installed to clearly reflect the change, which has been introduced following feedback about staff visibility from clinical and administrative colleagues. Volunteers are also being made available within the main foyer to help direct patients in the interim. All services provided at the previous reception remain available. 

Trespassing and vandalism 

Recently, local media reports highlighted incidents of trespassing at some disused buildings within the Cameron Hospital site. We are aware of these incidents and are working as part of a multi-agency group, including police and fire services, to address them. 

Cameron Hospital is an active hospital site, where a variety of patients – including those who are elderly or vulnerable - receive the care and rest that they need. Acts of vandalism not only cause distress and anxiety for patients and staff, but there are also significant safety implications for trespassers entering disused buildings. 

The coverage also referenced an incident where young people were riding scooters inside part of the Victoria Hospital. This was an isolated event where no injuries occurred, and the situation was addressed promptly. Importantly, NHS Fife prioritises a safe and secure environment for our patients, staff, and visitors. 

Lochgelly and Kincardine health centres 

We remain committed to the development of two new purpose-built community health and wellbeing centres in Lochgelly and Kincardine.  

Plans have been developed over several years with partners and local communities, and in the latest substantial update we were asked to re-submit the outline business cases with additional detail, which was done last year.  

We are awaiting a decision on when a full business case can be presented. While the Scottish Government has indicated funding may not be available until 2026, we are actively pursuing this project and will continue to provide further updates as developments occur. 

New visiting spaces on older adult wards at Queen Margaret Hospital 

Welcoming new visiting spaces for the families and friends of older adults have been opened at Queen Margaret Hospital. 

Funded by Fife Health Charity, the visiting areas in wards one and four are designed to provide welcoming areas for visitors to meet with loved ones distinct from the traditional ward setting.  

The spaces are split into three distinct areas – a café environment where patients can enjoy teas, coffees, and pastries with loved ones from a special menu, a TV area where they can catch up on their favourite shows or watch live events with others, and a quiet place for a more relaxed and low-key visiting experience.  

The spaces were all designed by local artist, Karen Masters, in collaboration with staff and patients. More information is available here

NHS Fife Board 

Board papers: papers from the latest meeting of the NHS Fife Board on 26 March can be viewed here. The next meeting will take place on 28 May 2024. 

NHS Performs 

NHS Performs brings together a range of information on how NHS Fife is performing, including A&E performance, cancelled operations, delayed discharges, and diagnostic waiting times. The latest information can be viewed here

Workforce information 

NHS Education for Scotland publishes a quarterly update on workforce related information, including the number of staff directly employed by NHS Fife and the number of vacant posts for nursing and midwifery staff, allied health professions, and medical and dental consultants.  

The interactive dashboard also outlines trends over time and references other useful information such as sickness absence rates, staff age profile, and spend on agency and bank. The latest publication can be viewed here

Sharing our messages 

We appreciate the support of elected members in sharing our health messages with constituents and on social media. 

All Information correct at time of publishing. Issued by the corporate communications service.