Main updates

Employment tribunal

You will likely be aware of the employment tribunal involving NHS Fife that has been adjourned until the summer. Whilst there has been widespread coverage in news outlets and on social media, we consider it inappropriate to provide comment on its specifics while the tribunal is ongoing.

Cost incurred by tribunal

We note recent speculation around the prospective cost incurred by this tribunal.

We are unable to publicly disclose information relating directly or indirectly to an individual member of our staff on the grounds that this is personal information. Doing so would be in breach of confidentiality and Data Protection principles.

However, we can advise that Central Legal Office, which is part of NHS Scotland, provides comprehensive legal services to health boards and other public bodies and is representing NHS Fife in this action. NHS Fife is part of the Clinical Negligence and Other Risks Indemnity Scheme (CNORIS), which protects members against financial losses. Any other quoted costs associated with NHS Fife defending the ongoing Employment Tribunal case at this stage should be regarded as speculative. NHS Fife did not initiate the proceedings and is instead defending an action brought by the claimant.

News coverage of midwifery student

You may have read widespread news coverage of a midwifery student who was suspended from her placement following an investigation into social media comments.

The conduct of students on a placement is a matter for their academic institution, in line with their code of practice. As such, any decision to suspend a student is taken by their academic institution and not NHS Fife. On this occasion we understand that the student was placed on special leave and then returned to complete her placement.

NHS Fife is committed to fostering a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace where all employees are valued and supported in line with our legal duty and professional standards as defined by regulatory bodies such as the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Proposals for reconfiguration of Minor Injuries units in north-east Fife

Fife’s Health and Social Care Partnership is considering proposals to reconfigure minor injuries units in north-east Fife.

The proposals are part of a continued drive to modernise and transform health and social care services to ensure they remain safe, effective, and person centred.

There are known risks to sustainability of services within the current model of minor injuries care units in the area, predominantly around workforce, access to radiology (which most patients attending MIU require), delivery of care in the right place at the right time, and the delivery of best value in line with the resources available.

As part of this work, a clinically led options appraisal process was carried out for minor injuries care services at Adamson Hospital in Cupar and St Andrews Community Hospital. This looked at ways in which Fife Health and Social Care Partnership can optimise patient care and ensure resilience of the service for the future. 

The clinically led options appraisal process identified three options for the future of minor injuries care services in north-east Fife. The clinically preferred model chosen was to relocate services currently delivered at Adamson Hospital in Cupar into one single minor injury unit based at St Andrews Community Hospital. This recommendation was guided by medical research, expert clinical opinion, and best practice guidelines to ensure decisions are made in the best interests of patient care. By optimising services through this proposal, the aim is to help improve clinical outcomes, service user experience, make better use of resources, and provide a more sustainable model for the future.

Constituents can share their views via an online survey about the clinically preferred model being considered. This survey will share the options considered in the appraisal and allow the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership to capture feedback on what this option might mean for people in the community. The survey closes on Sunday 30 March. Anyone requiring the information in another format can email 

Following engagement on these proposals, final recommendations will be presented to the Integration Joint Board (IJB) for final decision.

Naloxone initiative aiming to reduce drug deaths across Fife

NHS Fife, the charity With You, and local pharmacies have partnered to help reduce drug-related deaths. Following a rise in opioid deaths in Scotland, a new initiative has expanded access to naloxone, a life-saving overdose reversal drug.

All Fife pharmacies now offer emergency naloxone, and over 60 provide training and kits to at-risk individuals and their families.  More than 300 pharmacy staff have been trained, resulting in a significant increase in naloxone kit distribution. More information is available here.

New GP contractors appointed for Kennoway and Methilhaven

Denny Cross Medical Centre is to take over the running of both Kennoway Medical Group and Methilhaven Surgery in Buckhaven.

Work has been ongoing for some time to identify interested parties to return them to independent contractor status. The process of engaging with the staff has begun and patients at both practices have been informed.

The provision of services from Kennoway Medical Group and Methilhaven Surgery were made available as a combined practice list as part of a tender process. Following evaluation of those bids, which included a thorough and robust assessment of each submission in line with national procurement guidelines, Denny Cross Medical Centre were identified as the preferred bidder.

Denny Cross Medical Centre has run a GP surgery in Denny since 1990. They are an accredited GP training practice and have four GPs at the practice including Dr Kenny Deuchar. More information is available here.

Fife maternity services awarded Baby Friendly Gold status

Teams from our maternity, neonatal and community children’s services have achieved gold standard status. All three have now received the prestigious Baby Friendly Gold Award from UNICEF.

It's the highest level of accreditation and recognises the gold-standard level knowledge and commitment of all staff in promoting breastfeeding and bringing mothers and babies closer through a positive feeding experience.

Our maternity team was initially awarded gold accreditation in 2019, the first in Scotland to receive the award and was again the first in Scotland to be re-accredited gold in 2021.

Our community team received their gold accreditation in April last year, with our neonatal team receiving their accreditation towards the end of 2024.

NHS Fife pioneering use of VR to manage chronic pain

We've become the first health board in Scotland to adopt virtual reality technology to help patients’ management chronic pain.

Chronic or persistent pain affects around 1 in 5 adults, although recent evidence suggests that the true figure may be more than a third. By using the VR head and handsets, patients can take part in a variety of virtual experiences, from mindfulness and relaxation exercises to interactive activities like golf and fishing simulations.

The immersive nature of VR helps to shift focus away from pain, providing a form of escapism that can be both relaxing and therapeutic. More information can be viewed here.

Closure of Newburgh Dental Practice

We were recently notified by Newburgh Dental Practice of their intention to close in April. Dental practices are obliged to give patients three months’ notice of any permanent closure and patients should continue to contact the practice for their dental care while the practice remains in operation.

For patients unable to register at another local practice, emergency dental care remains available through our Public Dental Service. This can be arranged through Fife’s dental advice line on 01592 226555, which is open on weekdays from 8:30am to 5pm, or via NHS 24 on 111 during evenings and weekends. For more information on what to do if constituents need emergency dental treatment, patients should visit the dental pages of our website.

Around 100 school pupils attend inaugural careers event

In partnership with Developing the Young Workforce (DYW), we were delighted to welcome local high school pupils to Queen Margaret Hospital this week for our interactive health and social care careers event.

Over two days, around 100 second- and third-year students attended from Beath, Levenmouth, Inverkeithing, St Andrews, Queen Anne, Madras, St Columba’s, Waid, Dunfermline, Woodmill, and Lochgelly.

They explored the diverse world of health and social care, getting hands-on experience and a glimpse into potential careers. From interactive sessions with various services to trying out our state-of-the-art simulation centre it was a great success.

In a separate event, around 60 third-year students from across Scotland attended our nursing and midwifery open morning on Wednesday 5 March at the Victoria Hospital.

Patient Hub enhancements

We are enhancing the way we use Patient Hub to communicate with patients about their appointments and care.

As well as being able to confirm or rebook appointments, they will also be able to view their letters and any supporting documents that would usually be sent via post. This reduces the printing and postage cost for the organisation, as well as supporting the resource usually used for sending these letters. More information is available here.

Stroke services update

NHS Fife is committed to delivering high-quality stroke services in line with Priority 7 of the Scottish Government's Stroke Improvement Plan. 

Stroke has a significant impact on individuals and their families, and we remain dedicated to ensuring timely diagnosis, effective treatment, and comprehensive rehabilitation services. Our stroke services are aligned with national guidelines and best practices to support the delivery of optimal patient outcomes. Key initiatives reflecting our commitment to Priority 7 include: 

  • Early diagnosis and intervention: we continue to enhance our stroke pathway to ensure patients receive rapid assessment and intervention. This includes the use of specialist stroke assessment tools, expanded access to neuroimaging, and a focus on early thrombolysis and thrombectomy where appropriate. 
  • Integrated stroke care: we are strengthening multidisciplinary team collaboration across acute, rehabilitation, and community settings to ensure seamless transitions and continuity of care for stroke survivors. 
  • Ongoing rehabilitation and support: we remain committed to providing person-centred rehabilitation, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy, to support recovery and long-term independence. 
  • Workforce development: we are investing in training and development opportunities for our clinical teams to ensure they are equipped with the latest evidence-based knowledge and skills in stroke care. 
  • Quality improvement and monitoring: we actively participate in national audits and data-driven improvement initiatives to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of our stroke services. We recently undertook our annual stroke review with the national MNC and Scottish Government. The feedback was extremely positive, and the Stroke Association were present.

We acknowledge the importance of continuous improvement and collaboration in stroke care and acknowledge the significant challenges in its provision, including the delivery of a round-the-clock, 24/7 national thrombectomy service, which is a service hosted by NHS Lothian.  

NHS Fife remains fully engaged with the Scottish Government and key stakeholders to drive forward enhancements in service delivery and patient experience. 

Sensory passport supporting young patients with autism

A staff nurse and her son, Jimmy, have developed a sensory passport and box aimed at improving the well-being of patients at the National Treatment Centre - Fife Orthopaedics.

This initiative is designed to assist patients, particularly those with autism, by providing tools that help them communicate and cope with anxiety. The sensory box includes various items such as puzzles, colouring pens, and a communication board. The board allows patients to express their feelings, especially when they are unable to communicate verbally. It serves as a way for patients to inform nurses about their needs during difficult times. A video featuring Jimmy is available here.

Valleyfield Medical Practice

Following concerns that have been raised around Valleyfield Medical Practice and difficulties reaching it by phone, we are providing a reassurance that we are working with the practice to ensure these concerns are acknowledged and acted upon.

It is vitally important that patients in Valleyfield and the surrounding area have access to good quality local medical care and we are engaging directly with the contractors, AMG Scot Limited, who run the Practice.

Whilst we are engaging with the contractors, we would re-iterate that Valleyfield Medical Practice, like the vast majority of GP Practices in Fife, is run by independent contractors rather than by NHS Fife directly. Patients who wish to raise concerns about the service should address these directly with the practice, either by phone or by using the complaints form on the Valleyfield Medical Practice website.

Finance Minister visits National Treatment Centre

Scotland's Minister for Finance and Local Government visited Fife’s National Treatment Centre for orthopaedics (NTC) on 3 February. Shona Robison MSP heard from staff about local efforts to maximise the numbers of patients seen for planned surgery. The NTC opened in March 2023 and specialises in planned orthopaedic procedures, including hip and knee joint replacements. A video of her visit can be viewed here.


Open access vaccination clinics

To help move away from ad-hoc drop-in clinics and provide more settled vaccination options, we have started a program of open access clinics. The ambition for these clinics is to provide specific clinics at the same times, venues, and days each month, where members of the public can currently attend for flu, RSV, pneumococcal, or shingles vaccination.

Initial sessions having been running since January and constituents with any questions around eligibility can visit the open access webpage. They can also drop-in to a venue and speak to one of our vaccination team.

Board papers and statistics

NHS Fife Board: Papers from the latest Board meeting on Thursday 30 January can be viewed here. The next meeting takes place on Tuesday 25 March.

Performance: A wide range of research, guidance and statistical publications relating to NHS Fife can be viewed here.

Workforce: Statistics on staffing and vacancies are published quarterly by NHS Education for Scotland. The latest publication can be viewed here.