Main updates

NHS Fife Board – 28 May 

The NHS Fife Board met on Tues 28 May. The meeting began with a patient story, where those in attendance heard from a gentleman about his recent experience of having undergone two robotic-assisted surgical procedures for prostate and bowel cancer. 

Board members later discussed in detail the Integrated Performance and Quality Report, which benchmarks areas against a wide range of nationally set performance indicators. These include the 4-hr emergency access standard, waiting times for elective procedures and outpatient appointments, and rates of healthcare associated infections. Members also discussed the current financial position and the organisation’s medium-term financial plan. The papers for the meeting can be accessed in full here. The next meeting will take place on 25 June 2024.

New campaign to help people take greater control over pain 

Chronic or persistent pain affects around a third of people in Fife and can have a significant impact on quality of life. NHS Fife’s ground-breaking new initiative - 'Pain Talking' - is designed to improve safety, help people live better, and empower them to take greater control of how they manage pain. More information is available here.  

Increased support for families experiencing pregnancy or baby loss 

In partnership with Held in our Hearts, NHS Fife is expanding its support for families experiencing the heartbreaking loss of a pregnancy or baby.  

A new initiative, Hospital to Home (H2H), aims to better bridge the gap between hospital care and returning home. H2H offers personalised support through multiple home visits from specialists who provide both emotional support and practical guidance. This includes assistance with planning funeral arrangements, supporting siblings, and offering resources on grief for families and their wider support network.  

Funding to launch this new partnership in Fife was provided by Fife Health Charity. More information about Hospital to Home is available here

In-person parenthood sessions return 

In-person parenthood sessions are returning to NHS Fife. The sessions start on Tuesday 4 June and parents using our maternity services can book their place online. Initially sessions are being offered to first-time parents from around 34 weeks pregnant. More information is available here.  

Director of reform and transformation designated fellow of RPS 

Our director of reform and transformation, Benjamin Hannan, has been designated a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS).  

Ben is the youngest Scottish fellow in the society’s history to receive the honour for distinction in pharmacy. Fellowship is awarded to members who have demonstrated extraordinary achievements in the advancement of pharmaceutical knowledge or exceptional distinction in the science, practice, profession, or history of pharmacy. More information is available here

Fife team developing diabetic eye screening services in Kyrgyzstan 

Our diabetic eye screening service team has been working with local nurses and doctors in Kyrgyzstan to help develop their own screening service.  

Lynsey Scott and Dr Caroline Styles were invited to the capital city of Bishkek by the World Health Organization (WHO) last month. Along with colleagues from Belfast, they oversaw the training of eight nurses, advising on topics including best practice for setting up clinic rooms, capturing good-quality retinal images, identifying diabetic retinopathy in the images, and developing a clinical pathway for patients. 

Partnership event with University of St Andrews looks into future of healthcare 

NHS Fife collaborated with our partners at the University of St Andrews for the recent ‘Imagining the Future of Healthcare’ event.  

The interactive gathering brought together NHS Fife staff, university researchers, and others from across industry and the wider community. The goal was to identify joint projects focused on health innovation, including the development of new or improved health policies, systems, products, technologies, and services to enhance healthcare delivery.  

The event builds upon our formal partnership with the University of St Andrews, which was signed in March and aims to further patient care and medical research in Fife, while boosting Scotland’s overall training provision for new doctors. More information about the event is available here

Major donation to Fife Health Charity 

A family from West Fife have raised more than £37,000 for Fife Health Charity in memory of their late wife, mother, and grandmother after she was cared for by Fife’s specialist palliative care service.  

Lynne Braisby passed away at Queen Margaret Hospital in December 2022 at the age of 63. The family held a fundraising evening at the Glen Pavilion on 17 February and their incredible total included a significant contribution from the Mary Leishman Foundation, with Lynne and Mary having been close friends for many years. More information is available here

GP protected learning time 

Some GP practices are taking part in a Protected Learning Time session on Tuesday 4 June between 1pm and 6pm. Practices take part in several sessions throughout the year to allow staff to access training. During this time: 

  • patients requiring urgent care should call 01592 729 250 
  • appointments should attend unless advised otherwise 
  • pharmacies should call 01592 729250 for urgent enquiries 

Access to urgent care for patients of surgeries taking part will continue throughout this time. 

More information is available here.  

NHS Performs 

NHS Performs brings together a range of information on how NHS Fife is performing, including A&E performance, cancelled operations, delayed discharges, and diagnostic waiting times. The latest information can be viewed here

Workforce information 

NHS Education for Scotland publishes a quarterly update on workforce related information, including the number of staff directly employed by NHS Fife and the number of vacant posts for nursing and midwifery staff, allied health professions, and medical and dental consultants.  

The interactive dashboard also outlines trends over time and references other useful information such as sickness absence rates, staff age profile, and spend on agency and bank. The latest publication can be viewed here