It is estimated that around £1-2 million of avoidable medicine waste is generated each year in Fife. Wasted medicines is everyone’s responsibility and there are small changes you can make to help, reduce the amount of medicines being wasted.
Think carefully before requesting a prescription
Only order what you really need. If you no longer take a medicine, or do not need a supply of a medicine, please let your GP practice or pharmacy know. If you need it again in future, it can be prescribed again for you.
Remember that unused medicines cannot be recycled
Even if you never open them, once medicines have left the pharmacy, they cannot be recycled or used by anyone else.
Always Check your medicines before you leave the pharmacy
Open your prescription bag while you are still in the pharmacy; you can return any unwanted medicines to the pharmacist or pharmacy team.
Unused medicines are a safety risk
Return unused or out of date medicines to your local pharmacy for safe disposal.
Join us in reducing waste for a safer and more sustainable future. For more information, talk to your GP practice staff or pharmacy team.