For the public seeking to find a local elected member who can represent your issue:
To help ensure an efficient and timely response, elected members contacting NHS Fife should use the dedicated enquiry mailbox:
Enquiries and responses are sighted by the chief executive of the organisation.
Please note: This email address is for use by MP's MSP's and local government Councillors only.
To ensure accurate and timely responses from NHS Fife, all enquiries from elected members should be directed to this mail box for response and co-ordination.
Elected Members are politely reminded not to approach services or individual members of staff directly for responses.
If you need to act on behalf of a constituent, they may need to complete a consent form authorising you to do so. This must printed and signed, electronic signatures are not accepted.
Patient Experience Team
If your enquiry relates to a constituent’s treatment, or a formal complaint, we will forward your email to our Patient Experience Team, who will handle it in accordance with our formal processes and timelines.
Contact the Patient Experience Team
Please note that the Patient Experience Team are unable to support acceleration of appointments, or answer any clinical questions you may have regarding a constituents ongoing care.
Regular Elected Members Update
As part of NHS Fife’s on-going commitment to keep elected members representing Fife, informed of the latest developments that may be of interest to you and your constituents, we circulate via email a monthly elected members update.
For previous issues of the Elected Members Update, including updates on specific topics, please visit the link below.
NHS Fife Board papers and statistics
NHS Fife Board: Read papers from the latest Board meeting
Performance: Information on key performance data, including A&E, cancelled operations, delayed discharges, and diagnostic waiting times. Find the latest information
Workforce: Statistics on staffing and vacancies are published quarterly by NHS Education for Scotland: Read latest publication
Current media and press releases
All our press and media releases are available for the public to view here.
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act came into force on 1 January 2005. The Act aims to increase openness and accountability in government and across the public sector by ensuring that people have the right to access information held by Scottish public authorities. People will be able to see and question how such bodies function and how decisions are made.
Find out more about how NHS Fife manages FOI enquiries
Fife Health and Social Care Partnership
Fife Council, NHS Fife, independent care organisations and voluntary organisations across Fife come together as an integrated health and care system - the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership - to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Fife.
Fife Health and Social Care Partnership is responsible for these services and functions commissioned by NHS Fife and Fife Council:
- All adult and older people Social Work Services
- Community health services, for example district nursing, physiotherapy, and mental health services
- Children’s community health services
- Health visiting housing services which provide support services to vulnerable adults, and disability adaptations
- The planning of some services provided in hospital
- Medical care of the elderly
Visit the Fife Health & Social Care website
If your enquiry is in relation to Fife Integration Joint Board (IJB), for example:
- Fife Integration Joint Board’s policies
- Fife Integration Joint Board’s decisions
- the administrative or decision-making processes followed by Fife Integration Joint Board in coming to a decision
You should contact: