Launched today is a new resource for Health & Social Care staff to support women at risk of gender based violence.
The stay at home messaging which is a large part of ;our fight against COVID 19 will pose a challenge in particular for women at risk of gender based violence (GBV) including domestic abuse. ; 1 in 4 women may experience domestic abuse & this may increase during ;COVID pandemic.
The opportunity for this crime to take place increases & opportunity for women to seek help or remove themselves from abuse situation may be limited.
Face to face consultations have reduced nevertheless staff across Health and Social care are well placed to identify and support women and girls at risk of GBV. ; Staff in ;Health & Social care may have less experience of ;identifying abuse during ;phone consultations.
This resource was developed by Dr Sue Brechin a Consultant in Sexual & Reproductive Health , NHS Fife ;and ;a Scottish Quality ;& Safety Fellow ; ;in consultation with Scottish Women’s Aid, GBV leads and Public Health Scotland ;to support staff support women during lockdown. ; The resource aims to provide some guidance on making telephone consultations safe and provide opportunity to make sure women are safe at home. ; The videos produced by Open Change.
Local contact - Fife GBV team on 01592 729304.