NHS Fife is providing an update following an additional four cases of COVID-19 associated with the University of St Andrews.
It brings the total number of confirmed cases to 25 since 01 September 2020. The cases involve both students and members of University staff.
NHS Fife’s Health Protection Team continues to work closely with colleagues at the University of St Andrews to prevent further infection and mitigate the effect of any positive cases which do occur. Contact tracing is also ongoing to ensure those identified as coming into contact with positive cases are provided with the appropriate guidance and support.
Anyone experiencing the well-established symptoms of COVID-19, such as a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste, is urged to arrange to be testing using the UK Government Citizens’ Portal or by calling 0800 028 2816.
A local online support hub has been created to provide information on testing for COVID-19, and updates on the pandemic. Visit: https://coronavirus.nhsfife.org/