NHS Fife is providing an update after a further two pupils and two staff linked to Sinclairtown Primary School in Kirkcaldy tested positive for COVID-19.
A total of seven individuals with links to the school have now been confirmed as positive for the virus. All positive cases continue to experience mild symptoms and are isolating at home with other household members.
The pupils who have now tested positive were amongst those previously asked to isolate after being in prolonged close contact with a positive case. While there is no evidence of widespread transmission of the virus within the school, there is now evidence of limited staff-to-pupil transmission within some classes.
NHS Fife’s Health Protection Team is currently investigating any links between the positive cases. Contact tracers from the Test and Protect Team are in the process of identifying and tracing the known contacts of all positive cases to provide public health support and advice.
Those pupils in P1a, P2 and P4 who have previously been identified as potential contacts are asked to continue to isolate at home as a precaution. In addition, pupils in class P5a are now also asked to isolate until 05 October 2020 and can return to school on 06 October 2020.
All other pupils do not need to isolate but must not attend school.
The school remains closed until at least Monday 28 September 2020 and a further update will be issued tomorrow.