New Park Medical Practice in Dunfermline will temporarily be operating a reduced service after cases of COVID-19 amongst practice staff.
A small number of practice staff have also been asked to isolate after contact with the confirmed cases.
It has not been necessary to postpone any appointments at this stage and patients with prearranged appointments are asked to attend as originally planned.
New routine appointments cannot be booked at this time, however, those patients requiring urgent review or assessment will continue to be managed by phone, video link or in person as appropriate.
The practice would like to thank patients for their continued patience in the coming days. A further update will be issued on Friday 15 January 2021.
Anyone experiencing the well-established symptoms of COVID-19, regardless of how mild, should immediately self-isolate and arrange a test using the NHS inform website or by calling 0800 028 2816.
A local online support hub has been created to provide information on testing for COVID-19 and updates on the pandemic. Visit: