Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) today (19/01) published a report on their unannounced inspection of Tarvit Ward at Adamson Hospital in Cupar on Tuesday 28 October 2020.
Tarvit Ward, which provides GP-led rehabilitation and palliative care, was assessed both on the safety and cleanliness of the environment and the way in which older people are cared for in hospital.
The report noted a very good standard of environmental cleaning, and that patients were treated with dignity and respect by staff who were attentive to their needs.
Inspectors also observed that patient’s relatives were kept up-to-date and patients were supported to keep in touch with by phone or by video call, as well as being able to have designated visitors in line with current COVID-19 guidance in place at the time of the inspection.
The report also noted a number of areas where action is required. An action plan has been developed to address these issues quickly.
Commenting on the report, NHS Fife Director of Nursing, Helen Buchanan, said:
“We are pleased that the report published today by Healthcare Improvement Scotland recognises the high standard of cleaning within Tarvit Ward, and notes that staff were attentive to the needs of the patients in their care.
“Furthermore, I am also pleased that the report recognises the efforts made by staff in supporting patients to use technology to remain in regular contact with relatives during a particularly difficult period with visiting restrictions in place.
“We note also the improvement actions contained the inspection report. NHS Fife is committed to continually improving the standards of care we provide and work is well-underway to address the action points as quickly as possible.”
The report is available in full on the Healthcare Improvement Scotland website:
HIS Unannounced Inspection - Adamson Hospital (Oct 2020)