NHS Fife is looking for your opinion on it's Cancer Framework.
NHS Fife is developing a Cancer Framework to:
- reduce cancer health inequalities,
- help people with cancer and their families to feel involved in decision making that's right for them on the basis of full information,
- create a radical improvement in experience and quality of life, including the end of life,
- provide more equitable access to services and treatments,
- overcome organisational complexity to ensure whole system vision this means working together across all services and functions better) and ensure delivery of high-quality cancer care and continue to improve our services.
A large-scale engagement process is underway however we wish to ask you as public members if the priorities are correct and what matters most to you from your experiences. We are keen to hear from individuals or family carers and members who have experiences of cancer care, treatments, prevention and diagnosis.
We would like to invite you to join us in discussing the main issues identified via some of our participation work and ask for your help to priorities these together.
The meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams [a virtual meeting, held via computer] on 23rd September from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. If you would like to join us a link will be sent to you. To obtain the link to the meeting please send email to fife.participationandengagements@nhs.scot
If you are unable to join us on MS Teams, we can send you the list of priorities being discussed and ask you feedback to us in a way that is most helpful to yourself.
Please get in touch by email if you need further support or help to participate in the meeting.
Get involved
To learn more see our Community Involvement pages.