Methilhaven Surgery in Methil will undergo significant changes later this year after the practice partners gave notice of their intention to terminate their General Medical Services contract.
The provision of General Medical Services for patients registered at Methilhaven Surgery will be formally handed back to NHS Fife on 01 August 2022. Work has already begun on developing contingency plans to ensure that all patients registered at the practice will continue to have access to the multi-professional services that the existing practice provides.
The current premises on Methilhaven Road is owned by the GP partners rather than the Health Board or a third party and will shortly be listed for sale. Arrangements are being made for the Surgery and the remaining members of the Practice team to move to new temporary premises within the nearby Randolph Wemyss Memorial Hospital. Work has already begun to prepare and redevelop an existing part of the hospital to ensure it is fit-for-purpose.
Dr Christopher McKenna, NHS Fife Medical Director, said:
“The GP Partners at Methilhaven Surgery are independent contractors of the Health Board and have confirmed to us their intention to terminate their General Medical Services contract on 31 July 2022.
“We appreciate that the changes that this will bring will be concerning for those registered at Methilhaven Surgery, however we would like to reassure them that NHS Fife is taking all the necessary steps to ensure that they have access to local medical services.
“NHS Fife recognises the national challenge recruiting to GP vacancies, however we are working closely with colleagues in the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership and the other GP Practices in the locality to look at all available options in developing short and long-term plans for the local delivery of General Medical Services for the people registered with Methilhaven.
“The existing practice will remain fully operational until 01 August 2022 following which the new arrangements will come into play. The details of these will be shared in due course. NHS Fife are fully committed to clear lines of communication with the patients registered at the practice.”
Notes to Editors:
- Methilhaven Practice has patient list of around 6,000.