Because if your loved ones know your decision, it’ll make it easier for them to ensure it is honoured.
A new campaign is underway to highlight the choices people have under Scotland’s opt out system of organ and tissue donation, to encourage more people to record their decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register and tell their loved ones too.
Everyone aged 16 or over has a choice – to be an organ and tissue donor, or to opt out.
If you choose to do nothing, then it will be assumed you agree to donate certain organs and tissue for transplantation, unless you are in a group for whom the opt out system doesn’t apply, or if donation would be against your views.
Only 1% of people will die in a way that makes organ donation possible, which is usually in a hospital intensive care unit. There may also be opportunities to donate tissue such as heart valves, tendons and corneas, from within a hospital setting.
If you’ve made your decision, make it known.
- People in Scotland aged 16 or over have the choice to be an organ and tissue donor, or to opt out.
- If you do nothing, it is assumed you agree to be a donor if you die in circumstances where donation is possible.
- Whatever your decision, make sure you record it on the NHS Organ Donor Register and tell your loved ones too.
- Knowing your decision will make it easier for family and friends to ensure it is honoured, so don’t leave them in doubt.
Everyone aged 16 or over has a choice – to be an organ and tissue donor, or to opt out.
Don’t Leave Your Loved Ones in Doubt.
You can register your donation decision and find out more at www.organdonation.scot or call 0300 123 23 23
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