Methilhaven Surgery in Methil has now officially moved from Methilhaven Road to new temporary premises at Randolph Wemyss Memorial Hospital in Buckhaven as NHS Fife takes over the running of the practice.
The new facility is based on Level 1 of the hospital in what was previously the Wellesley Unit. Access to the Practice is via the side entrance of the hospital site with a lift available for those with reduced mobility.
Alongside the existing administrative staff at the surgery is a highly trained and experienced multi-disciplinary team made up of existing and additional clinicians, including GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Practice and Treatment Room Nurses, Phlebotomists, Physiotherapists, Mental Health Nurses, Paramedics and Pharmacists.
Patients requiring appointments will be seen by the most appropriate member of the multi-disciplinary team based on their individual health needs.
The telephone number for Methilhaven Surgery is unchanged - 01333 426913 - and additional staff have been made available to answer telephone calls.
On the opening of the new temporary premises, Associate Medical Director for the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership, Dr Helen Hellewell, said:
“I’m pleased to see the new temporary Methilhaven Surgery open at Randolph Wemyss as scheduled this week. The project team and the contractors deserve real credit for creating an environment that is fit-for-purpose and conducive to good patient care, within an incredibly tight timescale.
“The relocation of the practice, and indeed the health board taking over responsibility for the running of it, is a significant change and we ask for continued patience and understanding as the existing practice team and their new additions adapt and adjust to their new place of work.”
“I’m confident that the new premises will enable patients still to receive good quality local healthcare while we work to develop more permanent and longer-term solutions for primary care services in the area.”
GP practices are one of a range of local healthcare services available locally for people in Fife. Find out more at the range of services available by visiting: