NHS Fife is asking local residents to join the conversation by volunteering to take part in focus groups on the future delivery of healthcare services in the Kingdom.
As part of the ongoing development of the Board’s new strategy, NHS Fife is looking to recruit a representative sample of the population of Fife to take part in one of our 13 facilitated focus groups. These focus groups will explore in more detail the themes identified in the Board’s Community Conversation Survey, which was carried out in December 2021.
The 90-minute focus group sessions are scheduled to run from 19th to 30th September 2022.
To help identify volunteers NHS Fife is asking interested members of the public to take a few minutes to complete a short selection questionnaire. The closing date for applications is 5pm on Sunday 11th September 2022.
Successful applicants will be contacted directly no later than the week beginning 12th September 2022 with more information on session dates and timings.
This research will be conducted by Progressive, an independent research company.
A dedicated webpage has been created - https://www.nhsfife.org/conversation - with information on the Community Conversation work to date and how to apply to participate in a local focus group.
NHS Fife Deputy Chief Executive, Margo McGurk, is encouraging local people to join the conversation, saying:
“The Community Conversations Survey carried out last year was very useful in helping us understand the priorities of local people when thinking about the future of healthcare services.
“With our new strategy under development, we want to really explore the themes that came from the survey in more depth in order to consider how they may help to influence the future shape of health services in Fife.
“We’re asking local people, therefore, to join the conversation about the future of healthcare services and register to take to part in our focus groups. This will help ensure that the voices of local people are heard as we look to develop and future-proof services for the future.”