PHWB Strategy Cover

NHS Fife has published its new Population and Wellbeing Strategy, which outlines the ways in which healthcare services in the Kingdom will evolve to meet the developing needs of the local population over the course of the next five years.

We've been in dialogue with communities in Fife since 2021 to develop our new Population Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Through this extensive engagement work, contributors via our Community and Colleague conversations, workshops and surveys have shared and outlined what matters to them and how they would like to see health care services delivered and evolve to ensure that all communities across Fife can be supported in maintaining and improving their health and wellbeing.

The strategy, which is available online today, outlines four key priorities for the next five years:

  • Improving health and wellbeing
  • Improving the quality of health and care services
  • Improving staff experience and wellbeing
  • Delivering value and sustainability

The strategy places a commitment to the delivery of high-quality health and care services across Fife and sets out how we will seek to address this whilst recognising that change will be required to deliver this. 

Our strategy doesn't set out detailed actions. It's a declaration of our vision and intent to reducing health inequalities and driving improvement in health and wellbeing.

Key to this will be our continuing recovery from the pandemic, which has impacted the physical and mental wellbeing of our communities.

Read our strategy in full here: