Image of people standing by a donated picture frame

Kirkcaldy Men’s Shed has kindly refurbished 50 picture frames to help improve the environment for patients coming into hospital for planned procedures.

The Men’s Shed is well-known for its dedication to local projects and for the support it offers to the community in Kirkcaldy. Their latest project saw 50 large picture frames, which were discovered within the Victoria Hospital, given a new lease of life thanks to the skilled hands of the Kirkcaldy Men’s Shed members.

The frames were initially found by Fife Health Charity’s volunteer art convenor, Gillian Parsons, who approached Kirkcaldy Men’s Shed for their support. It was intended that once refurbished, the frames could be used to help create a more homely and welcoming environment for patients attending the Day Intervention Unit. The Unit cares for patients undergoing diagnostic procedures like endoscopy or having biopsies taken, as well as those requiring surgical procedures that do not require an overnight stay in hospital.

Despite its name, the Kirkcaldy Men’s Shed is an inclusive group comprising both men and women, with a membership of more than 40 people from across Kirkcaldy and the surrounding area. The group is renowned for its collaborative spirit and the diverse range of skills its members bring to various projects.

The newly refurbished frames have since been gifted back to Fife Health Charity, who are responsible for managing NHS Fife’s extensive art collection. The skilled craft of the Kirkcaldy Men’s Shed has now enabled local photography to be displayed throughout the Day Intervention Unit for the benefit of patients and staff. The images on show are of prominent local landmarks like the Forth Bridge and Pittencrief Park. Each of the photos were taken by healthcare staff as part of the same project which has helped showcase the beauty of the Kingdom throughout the nearby National Treatment Centre.

Mark McGeachie, Director of Fife Health Charity, said of the project, "We are incredibly grateful to the Kirkcaldy Men’s Shed for their hard work and for giving their time and skills so generously. Their efforts have enhanced the environment of the Day Intervention Unit and is a really wonderful example of how community groups can positively impact healthcare facilities for the benefit of patients.”

Dave Stewart is Chair of the Kirkcaldy Men’s Shed and a former NHS Fife Board Member. Mr Stewart said: “Our Men’s Shed was delighted to have been asked to refurbish picture frames for the Day Intervention Unit at the Victoria Hospital.

“Our members take great pride in contributing to projects that benefit our community, and this initiative is a perfect example of how we can make a positive impact. It's been a rewarding experience for everyone involved, and we hope newly refurbished frames help bring a touch of warmth and comfort to patients and staff alike.”

To learn more about the work of the Fife Health Charity and the projects it has helped support, visit: