The Framework
The Framework supports the development of core knowledge, skills and behaviours in four pillars of practice for all Nurses, Midwives and Health Professionals working at Level 5 (Practitioner) to Level 8 (Consultant Practitioner) of the Career Framework for Health. The framework is based on four pillars of practice.
- Clinical Practice: the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to provide high quality healthcare that is safe, effective and person centred
- Facilitating Learning: the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to enable effective learning in the workplace
- Leadership: the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to lead and to fulfil management responsibilities
- Evidence, Research and Development: the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to use evidence to inform practice and improve services
Transforming Roles
To meet the requirements of the wider transformational change agenda in health and social care in Scotland, the Scottish Government launched the Transforming Roles programme with the first report being published in 2017. The Transforming Roles programme aims to provide strategic oversight direction and governance to:
- Develop and transform NMAHP roles to meet the current and future needs of Scotland’s health and care system
- Ensure nationally consistent, sustainable and progressive roles, education and career pathways
What is Advanced Practice?
Advanced Practitioners are educated to master’s level and are assessed as competent in advanced level practice. As a clinical leader, they have the freedom and authority to act and accept the responsibility and accountability for those actions.
This level of practice is characterised by autonomous decision making that includes assessment, diagnosis, and treatment including prescribing for people with complex multi-dimensional needs. Decisions are made using high level expert knowledge and skills with the authority to refer, admit and discharge within appropriate clinical areas. Working as part of the multidisciplinary team. Advanced Practice can work in or across all clinical settings dependent on their area of expertise. The position of Advanced Practice on the continuum of career development is demonstrated here.
In 2018, NHS Fife outlined its strategic approach to developing an enhanced infrastructure for nurses, midwives and Allied Health Professions (NHS Fife 2018) undertaking Advanced Practice roles. The framework outlined the strategic intentions to inform the Board’s strategic priorities and desired outcomes around the development of NMAHPs Advanced Practice roles.
The framework was centred around the following key themes:
- Transforming the patient experience
- Developing advanced practice
- Making it happen.
In light of the publication of the recent Transforming Roles Paper and anticipated publication(s) based on workforce analysis of Advanced Allied Health Professional roles, the significant work that has been undertaken in the development of Advanced Practice roles across NHS Fife and the Health and Social Care Partnership will continue. Further developments are expected to be progressed and implemented in 2023 and beyond.
Contact us
For further information and up-to-date resources, please search for 'Advanced Practice' on Staff link or please contact:
Email address: fife.advancedpractice@nhs.scot