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Friday 28 July 2023, 12:00pm - 03:00pm

Event description

The NHS Fife Practice Education Facilitator (PEF) team support and facilitate an Introduction to Nursing and Midwifery Event for all S5 and S6 pupils in Fife
High Schools interested in a career in Nursing or Midwifery.
We would encourage interested HCSW who would like more information about taking a route into nursing or midwifery to come along.
These half day events are delivered on Microsoft Teams and are provided as information sessions for pupils/HCSW’s that are thinking about a career as a
nurse or a midwife.
There are many careers available within NHS Scotland, you can check these out on this website link to find out more.

The half days comprise of an introduction to a career in Nursing and Midwifery, we have arranged for all fields of nursing to be represented, Adult, Child,
Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and also Midwifery. You will hear first-hand from registrants what the opportunities are within these fields and how you
can apply for a career in Nursing and Midwifery, the routes you can take and the career opportunities that these jobs will offer you once qualified. We invite
current student nurses and midwives to speak to you, giving you their experiences as a student in training and answer any questions you may have.
All Fife High Schools are made aware of these dates in advance and a joining link is sent out with the advert which will be shared on Blink. If you are a HCSW
and want more information, come along.
If you are interested in a career in Nursing or Midwifery in NHS Fife this is the virtual event for you.

28th September 2023 09:15 – 12:45 MS Teams
19th October 2023 09:15 – 12:45 MS Teams