Current vacancies in NHS Fife
All of our vacancies are advertised on jobs.scot.nhs.uk where you can view job specifications and download an application pack. To go directly to the above site you can use the shortcut buttons below. You can also see just nursing jobs if that is what you're looking for.
I’ve had a long and rewarding nursing career with NHS Fife. I’ve received constant opportunities and support to develop my career and achieved great job satisfaction
Job centres
Local job centres have details of many of our posts, and you can also use their online job search.
Social media
Our social feeds often have details of our current recruitment campaigns.
Fife is big enough to offer plenty of challenges professionally but small enough that I can influence strategic decisions, and combine this with the clinical work that I am passionate about.
The biggest selling point for me is the people; the colleagues that you work with here are incredibly dedicated but also fun, friendly and welcoming.