There are lots of steps that we can take to lead healthier lifestyles and to lower our risk of developing diseases such as cancer. Cancer Research UK notes that there are six things we can do that could make big changes to our risk of developing cancer. These include, not smoking, keeping a healthy weight, having a healthy balanced diet, enjoying the sun safely, and cutting back on alcohol. You can find out some more on their website and in the information below.
This section lists some useful links to other pages or sites that may be of interest and is not an exhaustive list; it’s a place for you to start your own health learning journey. We cannot however accept responsibility for the sites or the information found on them
Healthy eating
Maggie's Centre Fife
Screening programmes
There are three cancer screening programmes that run in Scotland for bowel, breast and cervical cancer. Taking part in these programmes when invited to do so can help to identify people who appear healthy but may have a higher chance of developing a disease or condition
Smoking cessation
- Call the free Smokefree National Helpline on 0300 123 1044
- Quit Your Way on 0800 025 3000
The Moodcafe has a wealth of resources covering all aspects of mental health from anxiety and panic attacks to stress and depression offering practical help and advice such as access to online counselling services/CBT and relaxation techniques.