Note: some services can only be accessed by professionals working with children and young people, while other services accept self-referrals.

Access Therapies Fife

Access Therapies Fife provides information, self-help and online resources to help people to deal with mental health problems and to access a range of local services.

Adult Psychology

The Adult Mental Health Psychology Service works to reduce emotional distress and enhance wellbeing of over 18s.

Adult Mental Health

The Adult Mental Health service provides comprehensive, general mental health services for adults and elderly people across the whole of Fife through the provision of multi-professional inpatient, outpatient, day patient and community care and treatment.


Contact the named person. This is head teacher in primary schools, and guidance teacher in secondary schools.

ASIST work together with schools to provide advice and support to pupils with a diagnosis of autism.

Autism Rocks Fife

Support, advice and services for children and young people with Autism in Fife.


Barnardo's provides a range of services in Fife, including support for children affected by parental substance misuse, a rights and advocacy service and a family support service. Contact the team by email on:


0808 801 0432

Beat supports people of ages with eating disorders (no diagnosis needed). There are a range of support options including email, phone, one-to-one web chat and online support groups.

Beat services in Scotland

Breathing Space

0800 83 85 87 

A free and confidential phone service for anyone over 16 in Scotland feeling low or anxious.


Fife Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is for children and young people who are experiencing persistent, complex or severe mental health difficulties. CAMHS is specialist provision and universal/additional support should be actively engaged prior to referral.

CEDAR Project

The CEDAR Project in Fife runs groups for children, young people and their mothers who have experienced domestic abuse.

Child Healthy Weight Service (Fife Loves Life)

Child Healthy Weight Service (Fife Loves Life)

Family focused sessions are run by Dietitians and Support Workers. The team can support you and your family to create long term healthy changes.


0800 1111 

Provides a free, confidential telephone service where you can talk about anything. The website also has advice and information on a range of issues.

Choices Dunfermline

Choices Dunfermline supports those facing unplanned pregnancy or seeking support following a miscarriage or termination.

Clued Up Project

Clued Up provides education, prevention, early intervention and diversion for young people under 25 affected by their own or someone else's substance use.

Community Paediatrics

Community Paediatricians provide a specialised service to children and young people with a range of special needs, developmental disorders and disabilities.

Cruse Scotland

Cruse offer one to one support for bereaved people with a trained volunteer.

Drugs, Alcohol & Psychotherapies Limited

DAPL work with anyone who is affected by their own or another's substance use. DAPL also provide counselling and group work to support emotional health and wellbeing.

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology work with children and young people whose educational progress is impacted by their learning, behavioural or emotional difficulties.


Provides a wide range of support services for people who have a learning disability in Fife.

Families First

Families First works with children and young people aged 5-16 years with additional support needs, living throughout northeast Fife.

Families Outside

Families Outside provides families with information and support regarding any issues they might be facing as a result of their family member’s imprisonment.

Family Support Service (FSS)

The FSS model is strength-based, working practically with children and young people aged 0-18 years, and their families. Referrals to FSS are made by professionals.

Fife Carers Centre

Fife Carers Centre supports adult carers who are caring for a child or an adult in Fife. Anyone can make a referral to Fife Carers Centre - it could be the carer themselves‚ the person they care for or anyone they come into contact with.

Fife Employment Accessibility Trust (FEAT)

FEAT aim to providing service users with strategies and tools to improve their resilience and employability.

Fife Gingerbread

Supports lone parent, vulnerable and disadvantaged families across Fife.

Fife One Stop Shop for Autism

Fife One Stop Shop provides support and advice, parent groups and workshops for individuals and families.

Fife Rape and Sexual Assault Centre (FRASAC)

FRASAC offers a range of free and confidential time limited support to anyone 12+, of any gender, who has been raped or sexually assaulted at some point in their lives.

Fife Voluntary Action

Directory of organisations with young people as a key area of work.

Fife Women's Aid

Fife Women's Aid offers help to children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse.

Fife Young Carers

Fife Young Carers supports children and young people aged 8 - 25 years who look after someone in their family who is ill or has a disability.

Health Visitors

Contact through GP

Health Visitors are specialist nurses who promote the health of pre-school children.


0131 281 0879

Home-Start volunteers visit families who have at least one child under the age of five and support them in their own home and offering assistance by listening, offering companionship, helping with appointments, playing with the children, or just providing another pair of hands.


Includem provides a range of services to support vulnerable children and young people with complex and challenging needs and behaviours.

Infant Mental Health Team (IMHT)

IMHT provides support to babies up until the age of three years and their caregivers, who are experiencing difficulties that might affect their relationship. The mental health of a baby has an impact on their ability to cope with feelings in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. If you have concerns about your wee one’s emotional development and wellbeing, their relationship with you, or how you feel about your baby, please discuss this with your Health Visitor or Family Nurse who can contact the team.

Kingdom Abuse Survivors Project (KASP)

KASP offers counselling and support to survivors of sexual and domestic abuse.

LAAC - Springfield Project

01334 696311

Springfield Project is a multi-agency, specialist therapeutic service for children and young people who are Looked After & Accommodated in Fife Council foster / residential placements. Services include direct assessment and therapeutic intervention, alongside support and training for the care network, with the aim of building a shared understanding of the impact of trauma and agreeing subsequent supports to enable the child's recovery and developmental progress. Building positive, trusting relationships with others and particularly their primary carers, from which to grow and flourish, is a key aim for every child referred.

LAAC - The Beeches

01334 696244

The Beeches Project is based within CAMHS and provides therapeutic services for children and young people who are Looked After & Accommodated in purchased foster / residential placements, in Fife. Services include direct assessment and therapeutic intervention, alongside support and training for the care network, with the aim of building a shared understanding of the impact of trauma and agreeing subsequent supports to enable the child's recovery and developmental progress.

LD Service

Learning Disabilities pages

The team works with children and young people (0-16 years or until school leaving) who have a learning disability (with or without autism) and mental health or behavioural problems.

Link Fife Mental Health Adolescent Befriending Project

The project helps 12 to 18 year olds improve their resilience, self-esteem, confidence and mental wellbeing. The project operates in these areas: East Fife, Levenmouth, Glenrothes and Kirkcaldy.


LinkLiving is a trauma-informed Scottish health and wellbeing charity that supports people of all ages to overcome the negative impacts of trauma, mental health, inequality, and isolation. LinkLiving has several projects in Fife to support young people.

Living Life service (from Breathing Space) 
0800 328 9655

Offers support through guided self-help and cognitive behavioural therapy. Free phone service for anyone in Scotland over 16 years of age with low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety.

Neurodevelopmental Pathway (NDP)

Parent/carer advice line and professionals' enquiry line: 01592 226699 on Tuesdays 10am-12pm or Wednesdays 2-4pm.

Nutrition and Clinical Dietetic Department

Nutrition and Clinical Dietetic pages 

The Nutrition and Dietetic Department gives nutrition and dietary advice to individuals or groups after assessing their nutritional needs and advising on the most appropriate diet.

OT Service

Occupational Therapy pages

Occupational Therapists provide advice, reassurance, support, assessment and intervention to help children and young people to develop their skills in everyday activities.

Paediatric Psychology Service (PPS)

01383 565400

PPS provides psychological assessment and intervention to enable children, young people and their families to adapt to and cope with the challenges of long term medical conditions. Referrals are accepted from Consultant Paediatricians and Clinical Nurse Specialists, and may be accepted from other professionals following consultation.

Primary Care Psychology

GPs - SCI Gateway
Other - 01383 565400

The Primary Care Psychology Service offers assessment and early intervention (up to 6 sessions) for children and young people who present with mild to moderate psychological difficulties of relatively recent onset. Cases where there are complex systemic factors, multiagency involvement, issues around risk or underlying neurodevelopmental difficulties are not appropriate for this service due to the time-limited nature of the work.

Primary Mental Health Workers (PMHW)

If you are a professional with concerns about a child or young person's emotional health and wellbeing, and are unsure about which support is most appropriate, you can consult with a PMHW for advice: 01334 696019 or

Relationships Scotland

Relationships Scotland provides a counselling service for children and young people in Fife.

Safe Space

Safe Space offers free and confidential support for people who have experienced childhood sexual abuse.

Sam's Cafe

Sam's Cafe is a drop-in cafe for general mental health support and crisis support, for 16+.


Sandyford offers a comprehensive gender identity service available to anyone who is uncomfortable or uncertain about their gender identity or expression of their gender.


Contact school

School can be an appropriate support depending on the child or young person's needs and resources available in each school.

School Nurses

Each school in Fife has a School Nurse to support children and young people's emotional wellbeing.

Sea View (Trauma Service)

01592 648060

Sea View Project is the CAMHS Sexual Trauma Service. The team provides a multi-disciplinary approach to working with infants, children and young people (aged 0-18) and their families who are experiencing emotional and psychological difficulties following sexual trauma. Where possible, this also involves working collaboratively with the professional network to develop a shared understanding of the individual child or young person's needs and to support the recovery from trauma. We provide assessment and therapeutic work when this is required.

Seasons for Growth

These groups are for children and young people who have experienced significant loss, change, family breakdown or bereavement.

Shout 85258

Text ‘FIFE’ to 85258

Shout is a free, confidential and 24/7 text support service for anyone in the UK who is struggling to cope. NHS Fife have partnered with Shout to offer support to young people who live in Fife. To start a conversation, text “FIFE” to 85258.

Social Services

Offers support to children and their families facing difficulties in their lives by providing information and advice on services.

Solihull Online

This is a universal resource for parents and carers from the antenatal period to 19 years. The resource focuses on developing nurturing and supportive relationships between children and their carers. It aims to help parents understand their child's behaviour in the context of their child's development and the parent-child relationship.

Speech and Language

Speech and Language Therapy pages

Speech and Language therapists can help children and young people with difficulties such as producing speech sounds clearly, putting their ideas into words, making their needs known and understanding what another person is saying to them. Speech and Language also offer an advice line for parents (01592 226699) and an enquiry line for Education (01383 674055).

The Cottage Family Centre

The Cottage Family Centre offers a range of services in the Kirkcaldy area supporting children aged 0-16 years and their families.

The Spark

The Spark provides counselling and relationship support, alongside school-based counselling for children and young people.


VoiceAbility provides an advocacy service in Fife, supporting people to understand their rights and have their voice heard.

The Well

The Well is a drop-in to find out information and receive general advice to help you stay well and independent within your local community. For people aged 16+.

Works Better

01592 583142

Promoting good mental health and wellbeing to support young people (16+) into employment.