Give us feedback
To tell us what you think about CAMHS, you can give feedback to anyone in the service, either in person or by phoning 01334 696250 (Playfield House) or 01383 627031 (Carnegie Unit).
If you want to give anonymous feedback, please click on the buttons below to go our feedback forms. Each form is slightly different, depending on whether you are a child, young person, or parent/carer. All feedback is reviewed regularly by the CAMHS Management Team. Any suggestions of how we can do things differently are then shared with our teams for them to make changes.
Because the feedback forms don’t ask for personal details, we’re not able to respond to you directly if you share any concerns. If you want to make a formal complaint about CAMHS or give feedback via Care Opinion, please go to NHS Fife’s Providing Feedback page.

Parents and carers

Young people
