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Detect mouth cancer early

NHS Fife has teamed up with Dunfermline Athletic Football Club to raise awareness of mouth cancer.

Mouth cancer is getting more common, especially in younger adults. Mouth cancer can develop in any part of the mouth including the tongue, gums, tonsils, lining of the mouth, lips and upper part of the throat.

The early signs of mouth cancer can often be seen. If detected early, cancers are usually easier to treat and recover from.

What affects my risk?

Most mouth cancers are preventable. Things like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, unhealthy eating, not taking care of your teeth, and the human papillomavirus (HPV) can make it more likely. 

What should you look out for? 

  • Mouth ulcers that don't go away within two weeks 
  • Red or white patches or lumps that grow
  • Ongoing pain or discomfort when swallowing


How to check yourself

Where to get help?

If you have any concerns, get it checked by visiting your local dentist, GP or call the Fife Dental Advice line at 01592 226 555.

Useful links

Public Dental Service

Let's talk about mouth cancer