Keep physically active

We know that most falls can be prevented, and older adults have the power to reduce their risk of falling.

Strength and balance exercises can reduce your risk of having a fall - as well as making you fitter and stronger! It’s never too late to start building in simple exercises to help you restore strength and improve confidence.

'On your feet' exercises and challenging your strength and balance can help reduce your risk of falls.

 The exercises on NHS Inform are a great starting point but you need to make sure that you are:

For most people you must do balance exercises standing up - seated exercises will not help to prevent falls. Other activities that are good for strength, balance and flexibility include Thai Chi, bowls, yoga and dancing.

Exercise at home or in a class

Why moving more is important for your older relative: Staying active, connected and doing things that personally matter can all have positive benefits for your older relative. Developed by the Care Inspectorate, available online.

Check out what’s happening in your local community centres or Fife Sport and Leisure Trust venues.

Did you know you can refer yourself to the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust 'Active Strength and balance classes' or if you prefer being active at home visit active fife for some useful information and videos

Up and About Booklet: Taking positive steps to avoid trips and falls. Developed by Public Health Scotland, available online.