What we do
The Health Promotion Team aims to work within the community and with local partners to raise awareness about alcohol and the health risks in all age groups. We do this to mitigate alcohol associated health risks.
Our work is driven by local and national objectives, and is aligned with Scotland’s Public Health Priorities to work towards a Scotland where we reduce the use of and harm from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

Units of alcohol
It can be easy to think we may already know everything about alcohol. Take a look at this video by one of our staff members discussing units of alcohol in more detail, what that really means, and see if you learn anything new.
Follow on from this with the Count14 Unit Calculator
The resources mentioned in the “What makes up a unit” video, and many others, are available in our Information and resources centre
Associated risks
It is important to note that there are many associated risks linked with consuming alcohol, here are just a few:

Helping to reduce the risk
Using alcohol increases the risk of developing 7 types of cancer, to help reduce the risk:
- Limit alcoholic drinks to 14 units per week
- Alternate alcoholic drinks with water or non-alcoholic drinks
- Take alcohol free days between drinks
There are many other changes that can be made to help reduce the risk of cancer, listen to our Talking Head to hear more. More information can be found by downloading the PDF document below:
- Reduce the risk (PDF)
Raising awareness
Raising awareness about alcohol can be easy. Follow the guidance set out in our most recent campaign pack (PDF)
Find out what seven double measures of spirits equates to in calories by downloading this short video

The NHS Fife Health Promotion team offers “Reduce the Risk” training, to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide brief advice to clients on modifiable risk factors associated with cancer prevention.
More information can be found by downloading the PDF document below:
- Reduce the risk (PDF)
Additionally, organisations such as Alcohol Focus Scotland offer diverse training and education options:
National resources
Alcohol Brief Intervention resources | Public Health Scotland
Additional links and resources
- Scotland's Public Health Priorities
- NHS Inform: Alcohol (Scotland’s National Health Information Service)
- ADP (Fife Alcohol and Drug Partnership)
- A list of support services available in Fife
- Young Scot: Alcohol Information for young people
- How does your weekly drinking add up?
Contact us
Health Promotion Service
Fife Health and Social Care Partnership
The partnership working we have at Fife College with NHS Fife Health and Social Care is invaluable, in order to bring our students the most relevant and current information resources and referral pathways. Our “Get Ready for Christmas” event hosted videos and E-media in order to bring information about healthy choices surrounding lots of issues including alcohol. The NHS talking heads information videos were great and our students found them really useful in providing them with information and links to finding the right support.