Health Promotion Services run a free lending library of games, display materials, health banners as well as reference books, leaflets and posters.
In this section we have pulled together some key food education resources such as the Food Standards Scotland and Food a fact of life which is helpfully listed according to age and abilities. We have also included Parentclub as a good place recommend to parents for recipes and fun activities.
If you would like more detailed information we suggest the BDA food fact sheets and the Feed Your Mind Podcast.
Teaching resources
Food and health training
The HENRY programme aims to:
- increase parent's knowledge and skills in healthy eating and understanding of the benefits of physical exercise.
- improve parenting efficacy (their belief in their capabilities as a parent)
- healthy family eating behaviours and increased consumption of fruit and vegetables.

Fife Food Champions
This is the training that supports any food work that you might be involved with in Fife. It involves 3 days of training - all of which are REHIS registered.

Food Hygiene
Aims to ensure all standard food hygiene practices are understood and exceeded.
Elementary Food and Health
Aims to give a clear understanding of the relationship between food and health, and the eatwell guidance to allow particpant to share key messages around food and support change.
How to cook with groups
Aims to provide practical skills to support the planning, delivery and evaluation of cooking group and related food initiatives.
Food strategies
Scottish Government's public health priorities
In our list of priorities for the health of the nation, food sits as Priority 6 – to imagine a Scotland where we eat well, have a healthy weight and are physically active.
Scotland’s Public Health Priorities
Food for Fife
The Food4Fife project is about people in Fife (individuals, communities and businesses) coming together to work across all aspects of the food system to help solve some of today’s health, environmental and economic challenges.
A healthier future
A Healthier Future – Scotland’s Diet and Healthy Weight delivery plan
The Scottish Diet – It needs to change
Health promotion
Having a healthy weight can help to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Listen to our Talking Head to hear other changes that can be made to improve health.