The Managed Clinical Network (MCN) is a coordinated network of people involved in long term condition care across Fife. Within this network health and social care professionals and people with long term conditions work together to continually develop and improve long term condition care. The MCN play a significant role in service planning and redesign, ensuring that the views of patients and the public and service providers are taken into account in the service planning process.
The aims of the Managed Clinical Network (MCN)

To ensure people with long-term conditions – Heart Disease, Respiratory, Frailty, Diabetes and Stroke are given the right treatment by the right person at the right time and in the right place.

To create an MCN Work Plan to support implementation, monitoring, and reporting of local priorities for co–ordination and improvement in the delivery of long-term condition care.

Maximising the quality of life for those with long-term conditions by detecting and treating conditions and complications at an early stage.

To ensure appropriate and accurate information is available in a suitable format and is effectively and reliably used by all those involved in long-term condition care.

To minimise the impact of deprivation, ethnicity and disadvantage on long-term condition care and outcomes.

To provide equal access to high-quality long-term condition care for all residents of Fife and enable people with long term conditions to be empowered to safely and effectively self-manage their condition.
Get involved
Do you wish to be a part of the Managed Clinical Network for Stroke, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Respiratory or Frailty? The NHS Fife Managed Clinical Networks (MCN) are committed to supporting people affected by these conditions.
If you or a member of your family are interested in becoming involved with the work of the MCN’s then these are some of the ways you can support us.
- Receiving information
- Commenting on our documents
- Providing lived experience input
- Attending our meetings
If this sounds right for you then please don’t hesitate to contact us using the details below. You can also order copies of any of our paper leaflets using these contact details.
Contact us
Fife Diabetes, Heart Disease, Respiratory & Stroke Managed Clinical Networks (MCN)
Fife Frailty Managed Clinical and Care Network (MCCN)
Level 6 West | Fife House | North Street | Glenrothes | KY7 5LT
Tel: 01592 226729 (ext. 46729) or 01592 226736 (ext. 46736)
NB. Note that these are non-clinical contact details for people wishing to contact the Managed Clinical Network Team. Any queries about your medical care should be directed the relevant health care professional.