6-8 weeks
Self-refer to Maternity Services
8-10 weeks
Booking appointment with your midwife
11-14 weeks
1st trimester screening appointment at hospital antenatal clinic– ultrasound scan and blood tests
16 weeks
16 weeks - Your midwife will discuss your maternity care pathway. Your appointment can be face to face or virtual.
18-20 weeks
Detailed Ultrasound -the main purpose of this scan is to check that there are no physical abnormalities. You will also be offered a whooping cough vaccination at this appointment.
22 weeks
Your midwife will offer a blood pressure check, urine test, she will feel your tummy to measure the size of the baby and she will listen to your baby’s heart beat. She will discuss the importance of the baby’s movements.
Your midwife will discuss the importance of talking to your baby and forming a relationship.
28 weeks
Your midwife will offer a blood pressure check, urine test, she will feel your tummy to measure the size of the baby and she will listen to your baby’s heartbeat. You will be offered more blood tests. You will also be offered your first anti-D treatment if you are rhesus negative.
31-32 weeks
(First time mums only) Your midwife will offer a blood pressure check, a urine test, she will feel your tummy to measure the size of the baby, check the position of the baby and she will listen to your baby’s heartbeat. She will review and discuss the results of screening tests undertaken at 28 weeks.
34-36 weeks
Your midwife will offer a blood pressure check, a urine test, she will feel your tummy to measure the size of the baby, check the position of the baby and she will listen to your baby’s heartbeat.
She will advise you about preparing for labour and birth, including how to recognise active labour, ways of coping with pain in labour and she will discuss your birth plan with you.
37- 38 weeks
Your midwife will offer a blood pressure check, a urine test, she will feel your tummy to measure the size of the baby, check the position of the baby and she will listen to your baby’s heartbeat.
40 weeks
Hospital antenatal clinic – the midwife will offer a blood pressure check, a urine test, she will feel your tummy to measure the size of the baby, check the position of the baby and she will listen to your baby’s heartbeat.
The midwife will also discuss induction of labour and may offer a membrane sweep.