Support nationally
If you are struggling with your mental health in pregnancy or after having a baby, or if you have a mental health problem and want advice about planning a pregnancy, your GP, midwife or health visitor are there to listen, and to offer you support and care.
If more support or treatment is needed, the Perinatal Mental Health Scotland (link below), outlines the five pathways which are designed to help women, their infants and families, know what specialist perinatal and infant mental health care is available in Scotland.
The pathways explain how specialist services can help through short videos and some useful links. We have also included information on local services, where that is available.
Support locally
Access Therapies Fife
This service provides information to help you to deal with mental health problems and to access a range of local services.
The range of therapeutic services, includes groups, classes and online modules, as well as information on how to get referred for one to one psychological therapy.
Contact details: Telephone: 01383 565 427 Email: fife.atfife@nhs.scot
Tommy's wellbeing plan
Allows you to create your own personalised emotional wellbeing plan for your pregnancy and the postnatal period. Interactive webpage that asks relevant tailored questions to your emotional needs.
Fife better than well service
A service provided by self help coaches who help people from Fife that have been affected by childhood abuse and trauma.
Contact details: Telephone: 01592 644 048
Link Living Charity
Organises other mental health support as well as the above ‘Better than Well’ service. Some of the services offered include peer support, advice and supported accommodation for people living in Fife with mental health problems.
Contact details: Telephone: 0330 303 0302
Support in mind Scotland
National charity that offers support for people with mental health problems. Services in Fife include Fife Family Support project (group and one-to-one support for families affected by mental health), Hearing Voices Project (peer support group) and Resilience groups. For further info, please visit the website below.
Contact details: Telephone: 01592 268 388 Email:fifeservices@supportinmindscotland.org.uk
Fife Teen Parent project
Fife Teen Parent Project provides vital support to teenage parents and pregnant teens no matter their circumstance and gives young parents the opportunity to meet others.
Contact details: Telephone: 01592 725 210 Email: info@fifegingerbread.org.uk