Getting help for a relative or friend

If the person has been experiencing their problems for a length of time you might want to check that they know where to get more help. You could signpost them to any of the services listed in the self-help group below or encourage them to contact their G.P or NHS24 if the G.P is not able to be contacted. If the person is already getting help from community mental services then encourage them to make contact with their care team directly on the number they have been issued.

Carer involvement

A carer is someone who supports a person with mental health problems. The carer can be a relative, neighbour, partner, family member or friend of an individual and does not need to live with them to offer support.  Emotional support can be provided from a distance and does not make it any less beneficial.

As a service we strive to take into account the rights and views of carers when any decisions are being made about care and treatment for people with mental health problems. Please speak to any of the care team about how you can be involved.

There is information about the rights of carers on the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland website as well as a guide to the rights of carers on the Scottish Government website

Help for Carers

As a relative or friend in a caring role it is important that you also have support.  Local carers support organisations can help with this.  You can access these via the links below:

Fife Carers Centre

Tel: 01592 205472
Txt: 07881691391

Carers UK

Tel 0808 808 7777   (Mon to Fri 10.00- 16.00)

Support in Mind

Carers Trust