Aim for two to three servings a day

Breakfast cereal
About 3 handfuls

Dried rice or pasta
About 2 handfuls

Baked potato
About the size of your fist

2 slices (or 1 as a snack)

Fruit and vegetables

Fresh fruit
One piece or a handful

About three serving spoons

Tinned/stewed fruit
Three dessert spoons

Fruit juice

Raisins/sultanas or 3 dried apricots
One dessert spoon

Milk and dairy
Aim for two to three servings a day

Semi-skimmed milk
200mls (1/3 pint)

Low fat/low sugar yoghurt
One pot (125g) or four dessert spoons

Cheddar/hard cheese
Matchbox size

Cottage cheese
Four dessert spoons

Low fat soft cheese
Two dessert spoons

Meat, fish and alternatives

Chicken breast
One small

Tuna in water or brine
Small tin (about 145g)


Grilled sausages/braised steak/pork chop
One lean and grilled

Baked beans/lentils/dhal
Four heaped dessert spoons

Lean cooked meat or corned beef
Two large slices

White fish fillet/Quorn
One medium fillet

Four heaped dessert spoons

Fats, oils and spreads
We have been increasing our portion sizes over time. We snack on foods which are high in fat and sugar. This can cause weight gain or make it difficult to lose weight. Limit fat and sugar in your diet by choosing healthier snacks. Choose smaller portions of fatty and sugary foods. Use small amounts of oils and butter/spread. Limit food high in fat.

Reduced fat spread
Two teaspoons

Butter or margarine
One teaspoon

Cooking oil/ghee or use a spray
One teaspoon

Peanut butter
One teaspoon

Mayonnaise/salad cream
One teaspoon

Reduced fat mayonnaise/salad cream
Two teaspoons

French or caesar dressing
One dessert spoon

Single cream
Two dessert spoon

Double cream
One dessert spoon