The Feed your mind podcast was awarded funding through the Fife Health Charity 2020 Small Grants Projects scheme.
The Feed your mind podcast was awarded funding through the Fife Health Charity 2020 Small Grants Projects scheme.
With Fiona Spence and Clare Reid
Intuitive Eating is a non-diet approach, meaning the focus or outcome isn't related to the number on the scales but instead on promoting health enhancing behaviours, bettering body image and developing a healthier relationship with food. Intuitive Eating is a framework which guides us to focus in our bodies internal cues rather than eating based on external rules. In this podcast we introduce the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating and how they can support you build a healthier relationship with food and your body.
With Fiona Spence and Karen Brierton
Christmas time can be a difficult time of year for those with an Eating disorder. The expectation of enjoyment of food can result in feelings of overwhelming anxiety and isolation. This podcast gives an understanding of how it can feel at Christmas time for those with eating disorders and provides tips on how to cope and make Christmas a more enjoyable experience.
Coping With Celebrations: Christmas | Beat ( - Workshops from Beat (online) running until 16th December
SupportED - The Community Eating Disorder Charity (
Transcription of episode nine
With Fiona Spence and Sara Gallacher
In episode 8 of our podcast we are discussing mindful eating. What is mindful eating and how can this improve our relationship with food? We will provide some tips on how to eat more mindfully as well as discussing the benefits of doing so, both on our physical and mental wellbeing.
Disclaimer: Mindful eating is not for everyone and we do not recommend that people living with anorexia nervosa or ARFID use this strategy.
With Fiona Spence and Vicky Cook
In this episode we focus on Vitamin D. We will explore what it is, why the 'Sunshine Vitamin' is important for everyone but also specific groups that need to make sure they are getting enough. Our hope is, that as we head back into the autumn and winter months that everyone has a practical guide of how to make sure they are taking enough vitamin D.
With Fiona Spence and Jenna Scott
In this episode we are discussing alcohol. We dive into recommendations around alcohol as well as tips for reducing our intake. Everyone's experience or relationship with alcohol can look different. We explore how alcohol can impact us physically as well as the impact it can have on our mental health.
With Fiona Spence and Gail Brown
How realistic is it to eat well on a budget, and what do we mean by this? When it comes to eating well, the reality of being able to achieve this very much depends on individual circumstances and factors like cooking skills, equipment, storage space, time and access to affordable food. This podcast will explore how realistic it is to eat well on a budget considering the rise in the cost of living.
With Fiona Spence and Karen Brierton
ARFID is much more than “picky eating”. It is an eating disorder that can affect the physical health and mental wellbeing of those affected. This episode explores the impact of having ARFID and the different approaches to treatment.
With Fiona Spence, Jenna Scott and Gail Brown
Caffeine plays a big part in some people's lives. We want to explore how much we should be consuming, the pros and cons, and how caffeine affects our mood, sleep and general health.
With Fiona Spence and Amzu Parpia
Digging deep into the impact of societal pressures and false promises of diet culture on us as social beings. Rather than dieting and restricting, focus on nourishing your whole self; body, feelings, mind and soul.
With Fiona Spence and Sara Gallacher
In our first podcast we explore the term ‘holistic health’. What does this mean and how does our mental health impact on our physical health? We discuss the importance of a balanced diet and if there are any specific foods that can improve our immunity.