Our family focused sessions support being active as a family and working together to make small healthy changes.
We are a team of experienced Support Workers, Dietitians, Physiotherapists and Psychologists.
Self referral
If you are concerned about your child's weight, you can self refer to the service. You can do this by clicking the button below and completing the online form.
Contact us
Having a chat with us will allow you to find out more about our service and how we can support you. If you would like more information please get in touch.
Email: Fife.childhealthyweight@nhs.scot
Phone: 01592 645238

Not sure if now is the right time?
The Fife Loves Life app can help you to make small steps to positive changes for you and your family.
The app can be downloaded from HealthZone UK by searching Fife Loves Life.

Download the Fife Loves Life app
Use the QR codes and links for Android / Apple.

Use this QR code with Android devices