Referral routes
Referrals to our nursing service must come from a Healthcare Professional, i.e. District Nursing Team, GP, Hospital Discharge Team.

Marie Curie (Fife) team
A team of registered nurses, healthcare assistants and trained volunteers work with local services to offer a range of support including nursing care, out of hours urgent care, emotional support and practical information. We do this using a coordinated approach to provide you with a single point of contact for the care you need.
What we do
When you are referred to our service, a Marie Curie Senior Nurse will work closely with you and your family to understand your needs before arranging the Marie Curie Fife Service for you.
Our senior nurse will make sure you get the right level of care and support in the place where you usually live – in your own home, or in a care home.
Depending on the type of service and on what works best for you and your family, we can provide short visits during the day or evening, or overnight – all tailored to your needs. The services we provide include:
Nursing care and support
- Marie Curie Registered Nurses and Marie Curie Healthcare Assistants give hands-on care to help you manage difficulties such as pain and nausea, making sure you are as comfortable as possible at home.
- Our nurses and healthcare assistants are also there for your family – to give them advice and allow them to get some rest from their caring role.
Nursing care at home - Out of hours
Our nurses work closely with the out of hours doctor, nurse practitioners, and the day time District Nurse team to make sure you get high quality nursing care at home when you need it. Marie Curie Nurses have a wealth of knowledge and experience. They are highly skilled at caring for people in their own familiar surroundings. You can call on them to help if your symptoms get worse or if you find yourself in discomfort or pain. Our nurses will tailor the length of their visit according to the level of care you need.
Services useful to you
Companionship, emotional support and practical information
- Our specially trained Marie Curie Helper volunteers can visit you at home for a few hours each week to offer one-to-one support. They are also available to chat to you over the phone.
- Our Helper volunteers can provide a friendly ear; help with small tasks such as making you a cup of tea; give your family a short break from their caring role; and offer information on further support and services.
- If you would like support from a Helper volunteer, you can contact the volunteer coordinator directly on 0845 073 8697