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Stand with the leg to be stretched behind the other leg
Push your heel down while bending the knee to stretch the Achilles tendon
Hold for 20-30 seconds
Repeat 3-5 times
Stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointing forward and take a step forward.
Take most of your weight on the leading foot. Gradually take your weight to the back foot stretching your heel to the floor. Keep your upper body in line with your back leg.
Hold for 20-30 seconds.
Repeat 3-5 times
Sit on the floor or bed with your back straight against the wall and your legs straight out in front of you. Put a band around your foot.
Gently pull the band and feel the stretch in your calf. Do not allow your knee to bend.
Hold approximately 20- 30s seconds.
Repeat 3-5 times each leg.
Stand facing a wall/ Put your foot against the wall keeping your hell on the floor.
Bring your pelvis forwards and feel the stretch in your calf.
Hold for 20-30 seconds. Relax. Repeat on the other leg.
Repeat 3 – 5 times.
Accessible formats
If you require this information in a community language or alternative format such as Braille, audio, large print, BSL, or Easy Read, please contact the Equality and Human Rights Team at: email: fife.EqualityandHumanRights@nhs.scot or phone 01592 729130. For people with a hearing or verbal impairment you can also contact the team through the NHS Fife SMS text service number on 07805800005.