Fused toes in children
It is very common for the skin to be joined between children toes, usually the 2nd and 3rd toes. This is not something to be worried about.
Should I be worried if my child has fused toes?
It is not a sign of any problem. It does not limit a child’s ability to develop or get in the way of any other function. The only issue is one of appearance.
The most important thing for a child’s foot development is to ensure that they have adequately sized shoes. This means that children under 3 years should have their feet measured every 3 months and children older than this should be measured at least every 6 months.
Is any treatment needed?
It is perfectly reasonable to leave this untreated. If as your child gets older and they become concerned about the appearance of their toes, we would recommend consulting with your GP about the possibility of referral onto Plastic Surgery to discuss treatment.
We would however recommend that there is no rush to do this if at all.
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