Turn taker
Good conversations involves equal turns. Use toys and
table top games that encourage turn taking and develop attention and listening (e.g. lottos, puzzles or snap).
Offer the correct example
Interpret what your child is saying, repeat back what it should be. Child – ‘me want mato’ You – ‘Oh…. You want a tomato’. Child – ‘him falled down stair’ You – ‘yes he fell down the stair’.
Provide and build
Remember expand and develop what your child says: Child: ‘wand car’ You: ‘ you want your blue police car’. Child: ’sad lost ball’ You: ’he is sad because he has lost his ball’.
Think about language levels
Use simple or reduced language – this is ok for younger children. Gain full attention, emphasise key words. Chunk the instruction and ask them to repeat back.
Environment to learn language
Switch the telly off and make some special time. Encourage some of the skills that your child will need for school – good sitting, listening and looking.
Now be a follower and a leader
It’s good to follow your child’s lead during play. But...encourage your child to also follow the adult too.
Think about different words
Develop your child’s word bank. Label the action and
describing words (e.g. action = skipping, texture = furry) and remember the position words in/on/under and in front/behind.
Introduce fun with sounds
Use the concepts same/different and first/next/last
Have fun with Nursery Rhymes and rhyming words. Clap out words into parts (e.g.ba/na/na). Play ‘ I spy’, Find words that start or end with specific sounds. Read books together and point out some of the sounds.
Promote conversations
Create lots of talking opportunities. Talk together about your day and their time at nursery. Encourage them to tell you about an activity (e.g. making a sandwich) or how things happen. Get them to help you with a list (i.e. shopping or packing)
See what works
Go with what works, build on and develop your child’s skills. Have fun and give lots of praise.
Speech sound checklist
90% of children
All common vowel sounds
3 years
[p] pan, sheep
[b] ball, crab
[t] teddy, letter
[d] dog, bed
[m] mouse, mummy
[n] nose, banana
[w] wellies
3 years
[k] cat, key, rocket
[g] go, dog
[f] feet, knife
[h] house
[y] yes
[s] soap, dress
[ng] king
5 years
[sh] shoe, fish
[ch] chin, ketchup
[j] joke, bridge
[z] zoo, bees
[v] van, leaves
[l] lion, bell
6 years
[r] rain, bear
[th] thin, bath
[th] feather
[s ] measure
7 years
Accessible formats
If you require this information in a community language or alternative format such as Braille, audio, large print, BSL, or Easy Read, please contact the Equality and Human Rights Team at: email: fife.EqualityandHumanRights@nhs.scot or phone 01592 729130. For people with a hearing or verbal impairment you can also contact the team through the NHS Fife SMS text service number on 07805800005.