By 27-30 months, toddlers will usually:
- become very frustrated when they cannot get their message across. This is one reason for
toddler tantrums - enjoy pretend play with their toys, such as feeding dolly or pretending to drive a car, usually
making noises and talking while playing - understand between 200 and 500 words
- understand simple questions and instructions like “where’s baby?”, “go and get your coat”,
“mummy’s turn” - use over 50 single words like ‘juice’, ‘car’, ‘biscuit’
- be starting to put short sentences together with two to three words, such as “more juice” or
“big red bus” - be asking simple questions such as “what that?”,“who that?” They might do this quite a lot!
How to encourage toddler talk:
- sharing interactive books with flaps and textures are great for introducing new words
- Sometimes wait for your toddler to start a conversation. Don’t feel you need to fill the silence
- Repeat and expand what they say, e.g. if he says “car”, you say “mummy’s car“ or “fast car”
- Give them thinking time to understand what you have said AND to think of their reply!
- Get involved in their play — follow their lead and try to be a play partner. Taking turns and
keeping your language simple helps them learn. - Keep dummies for sleep times if at all
Watch this
Through the eyes of a child - 2-3 years - YouTube
Advice Line
You can call our Advice Line for more information
Thursdays between 10am and 12noon
East Fife: 01592 717569
West Fife: 01592 645234
Accessible formats
If you require this information in a community language or alternative format such as Braille, audio, large print, BSL, or Easy Read, please contact the Equality and Human Rights Team at: email: or phone 01592 729130. For people with a hearing or verbal impairment you can also contact the team through the NHS Fife SMS text service number on 07805800005.
You can also find health related information on many topics in an Easy Read format on